prologue-the beginning

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Narrator P.O.V.

At the Yagi's household. Three cute little girls were very excited because this day they will know what kind of quirk they have. As we see they ran around the house to find their parents in their bedroom.

Izuka: MaMa! PaPa!

Inko: what is it sweeties? Why do you look so happy today?

Inko said in sleepy tone as she had a patrol allnight yesterday.

Zatsuki: today is the day we'll go see Mr. Doc and Mr. Quirk counselor and know about our quirks!!!

Inko:It's today!? Oh my god, toshi honey wake up!

As Inko turned to woke her husband.
He then springs himself up and stands in bed without opening his eyes.

Toshinori: it's over villain! I have a high... ground....zzzzz.

Toshi then manages to go back to sleep in the stand pose.

Inko: Toshi! Come on this is an important day for our babies!

Toshi:hu-huh? What day is today?

Izuka/zatsuki/izumi: quirks review day!!!

Toshi:Oh shi-shrek come on let's go!

The family gets in the car. And process to the hospital.

In fact izuka and zatsuki should have come last year but they want to know together with their little sister izumi.

Their parents were very concerned about izuka's condition.

While zatsuki and izumi had shown a sign of a quirk manifest.

Izuka on the other hand. Hasn't shown any kind of quirk manifest.

But no matter what, they will always be their precious little girl.

-At the doctor department.

After they finish the test and wait for their call. The Yagi went to the doctor's room while toshinori had to wait in their car.

Doc:Okay miss Yagi I have both good news and bad news. What news do you want to know first?

Inko had expected that. But she still feels bad, inside she was very worried about her babies.

Inko: good news first please.

Doc: okay so the good news is your youngest and middle child have possessed a powerful and versatile quirk.

The doctor said as he handed a folder of zatsuki and izumi quirk to the family.

Doc: [zatsuki-chan has a mutated combination of yours and your lated husband's quirk.

Her quirk is mutation emitter type
That lets her generate, control and eat the fire that doesn't come from her own. to boost the power and energy and it can also help heal her injury too. That is all we've known for now.]

At the end of the doctor's explanation Izuka and zatsuki eyes had been sparkling with pure interest and excitement.

Izuka:that's so cool Zat-chan!! You'll be a strong hero that can help everyone especially in a situation where fire is the main obstacle!! I can't wait to see it in action!

Zatsuki:me too ikk-chan! We will become the best heroes siblings in the world!!!

Inko: that's good for you sweeties, now let's the doctor continue shall we??

Doc:[okay so let's continue now It's izumi-chan turn.She also had a mutated combination of yours and mr.yagi quirk.

Her quirk is a stockpile emitter type.
It allowed her to create a limp that'll appear on her back by using her psychic energy. For all we know, her limit for now is a pair of Psychic arms. It may be improving the more she has used it. Also she can store her energy in her body as long as she wants to.]

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