ch.2-10 years pt. 1

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Ten years had passed that day at the playground. Izuka's life at the school will never be the same again.

(I may have skipped some years that don't have anything interesting.)

{First year}

after the playground event. And everyone in the school started to bully her by calling her with the mean word and using their quirk on her. when her group wasn't around even katsuki had called her Deku, but Something felt wrong about this, Katsuki may call her by mean name but he never used his quirk on her.

And when she was about to go home  from school, She would always find a bandage in her locker.

Then after Izuka and Zatsuki's  sixth birthday, toshi and inko start training the Yagi's siblings and their friends with a basic work out program and diet. While also adding some more exercise to the Izuka program.

Inko started training Izumi with her quirk.

While their uncles, Aizawa Shota AKA Erasure Head and Todoroki Enji AKA Endeavor training them about a combat ability and basic weapon.

Uncles enji also training zatsuki with her quirk. By giving her some advice
And give her his fire for lunchs.

Izuka also found a New friend when her family went on vacation at I-Island for Izumi's fifth birthday.

Melissa shield, the daughter of David shield who was also quirkless like her.

She is a girl with the same age as Izuka and zatsuki.

She also wants to be a hero like the siblings but because she was quirkless
So now she was thinking about being the support hero instead.

Devid also teaches the siblings a little bit about the support equipment.

Izumi is the most among the siblings who were interested in the support equipment.

Toshinori had offered David to come with him and hired him to be his and Inko's personal support engineer at their agency, and the siblings support engineer teacher.

He also offers to train Melissa, and give them the place to stay too.

{Second year}

Izuka is now seven years old. The good news is, David and Melissa also moved to Japan and were living in a private apartment.(It's a five story building that Inko had brought and were prepared for a guest from another country.)

David had started to teach the siblings about  all the basics of support equipment and how to build them.

And Melissa started her physical and combat training with the siblings.

Yagi's training has become more intense.

As their father had increased the amount of the exercise by fifty percent for Izumi and Zatsuki, and two folds for Izuka.

Aizawa had taught them how to use various weapons to find what is the most suitable for each of them.

Enji also taught them various fight styles, to find what is the most suitable for each of them.

Toshinori had called his dad Sorahiko Torino AKA Grand Torino to help the kids with their reflex and speed training.

At school, the Bullying starts to get a bit more violence.

The teachers also start to sabotage Izuka's grades, saying that quirkless kids shouldn't have been more Smart than the other kids.

The days went on as Izuka emotion orbs(both Negative Orb and Positive Orb.) started to crack little by little.(A/N: ok so just imagine that when people Bully her, her Negative Orb will crack, when she was received love and care from her parents and friends, her Positive Orb will crack now, let's us continue.)

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