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I finally slipped my wrist out of the rope, or whatever it was. I took the blondfolds off and tried to see who the other guy was. I saw Zayn facing me and the other guy's back was to me. I couldn't see him.

I hopped out the car and tried to run. One of them grab me and covered my eyes. I tried to get out of his arms but this is one of those times I hate being small.

"How the fvck did she get out of the rope?"

"I don't know, you tied her,"

"Zayn, don't get bitch slapped,"

"Shut the fvck up and put her in the car!"

I was pushed back into the car and he tied my arms again, this time tighter, while Zayn put the blondfold back on. Wow, I seriously should have planned something instead of just running.

"Here go the address,"

"Where was it?"

"In my pocket,"


The car started moving and now I became more terrified. What if Sean doesn't come for me? What if I was just some girl he bought? I'm doing it again! I'm over thinking! I can't right now!


We pulled up to August house and I was about ready to bust a cap in his ass. We got out the cars and walked up to his house. This nigga kidnapped not only my girl but my niggas too? Oh, okay! I banged on the door and seconds later it swung open and revealed one of August dudes.

"Where the fvck is August!?" Chris said.

"And where the fvck is the food!?" Ni- hold on.

"Niall?" I said.


"Do me a favor?"

"Yeah, what's that?"

"Shut the fvck up!"

"Yes, sir,"

"Where is August?"

"Boss! Some lil dudes at yo door,"

August came to the door and laughed. "What the fvck do you want?"

"My homeboys and my girlfriend,"

"You ain't got no damn girlfriend, fvck outta here with that, Sean!"

"What you tryna say? I get bitches!"

"No, I get bitches. You get 17 year old girls off the street who's desperate for $3,"

"Where is Drake, Trey, and Ariana?"

"I don't know, I don't keep up with yo silly ass niggas," August laughed.

"Nigga, quit playing with me!"

"I don't have yo fvcking friends!"

"Then who does!?"

"Like the fvck I know,"

"I don't believe yo lying ass!"

"Do yo stupid ass wanna come and look for yourself!?"

"Yeah, we wanna come in!" Niall said.

"Niall, shut the fvck up!"

We walked in the house and saw bottles and cigarettes. Niall went somewhere and Chris went upstairs.

"Where the basement?" I asked August.

"Um, downstairs?"

"No sh¥t sherlock! Where is the door to the basement?"

"Man right here!" He said pointing to a door.

I opened it and walked down there. The smell of wet paint hit me in the face. Speaking of wet paint.

"Don't touch my walls neither!"

"Shut the fvck up!"

I checked the basement and it was empty except a pool table. I nodded and turned around and everything went black. Last thing I saw was a dude in all black. Fvck!


I slowly walked around the house and found the kitchen. Just what I was looking for. I walked in and opened the refrigerator, it was all good stuff in there.

"Nigga, you in my kitchen? About to eat my food?"

"Oh, no, I was just making sure Ariana wasn't in here. You know how small that chick is,"

"Why the fvck would I put somebody in my refrigerator?"

"Is that not something you would do?" I fake smiled.


Hey ! Hope you liked it !

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