Zora's Morning

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(Zora's POV)

I woke up to screaming. They're were two places that it could have come from. My alarm clock or the people of Hell outside.

I'm Zora! I live in hell, to put it lightly, I'm a Hellborn, born and raised near torture, fire and pain. My house is made of old stone (wood would be incinerated). I turn off my alarm clock which now reads 6:30. I sloth out of bed toward my wardrobe. I put on a dark polo and beige parachute pants. It was simple but I didn't want to draw too much attention to myself. I heard it was much cooler in Heaven so I packed my brown aviator jacket with off-white fluff.

I looked in my cracked mirror to make sure I was presentable. I had common Hellborn features: red skin, white spot, long elf-like ears, short black horns. My hair was a black blob and my eyes were green, the sclera of my eyes are black. I don't think humans have black eyes like me and other Hellborn but it helps with all the heat from fire.

I walk down the stairs where my siblings are at the table. My older brother, Frosher, is rambling on about some-sort of earthly creature called a frog. He was wearing a frog themed bucket hat and jumper. He was wearing dangling frog earrings which drew so much more attention than my simple black studs. The middle child ,Sam, was sitting at the table. Sam was a bit of an oddball; he had white horns and black wings. WINGS! Very few Hellborn had wings. They wore their hair over their eyes with the left side dyed blue. Sam was wearing all black and a studded choker. Sam had white spots like me but Frosher doesn't. Frosher's sclera is white (Sam's is black) but we all have green irises.

Sam and Frosher came with me to the train station. Normally Hellborn don't ride the train.It was dangerous the tracks were constantly broken and the train had holes in the walls. We can't die in Hell so it would be extremely painful if we were to fall off. But this time a train from heaven would come and pick us up. We were the only Hellborns who applied to go to heaven and all the humans take a different train so we wouldn't know who else was there until we got there.

The train arrived on rails made of golden light from the sky! The train was made from steel. It had glass and the walls had no holes. I could make out my reflection on the side of the train. The gold doors automatically opened. God they had some good stuff in Heaven I couldn't wait. The train had seat, fancy seats. They had cushions and back rests and they were more than just the floor!

Frosher was so excited he exclaimed "Look at this, Sam!"

He nudged Sam in the shoulder he replied "meh"

I laughed. Sam was what humans call an emo. They were trying so hard not to be impressed. "Sam, Take it in. We're about to go to Heaven! The fanciest place we will ever go!"

Sam looked at me for a second, well they pointed their head in my general direction. Sam's hair makes it hard to tell where he's looking. He walked off and sat down on a seat with a baby blue cushion. Frosher rolled his eyes and went to sit on the opposite side of the car with a sage cushion. I sat down in front of Sam.

I heard sparkles or some sort or some sort of magic sound effect. I looked out the window. We were now travelling parallel to the human's train; there was only one. The girl looked at me then pointed to the front of the train. I looked to the front of the train and past the front were rapidly approaching, Pearly gates.


Hi, Latte here. Thanks for reading! This is my first time posting on watt pad so I hope you enjoyed. Comment if you liked it! I'll upload another part when it's ready so in about a few days to a week.

My favourite music artist is Black Grpyh0n and every part I've put a reference to one of his songs.

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