chapter 1

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My name is laura marano and I really need a brake. I mean just because I crashed the car doesn't mean I'm a trouble maker. I guess you can say I'm not to worried about getting in trouble from time to time. My mom thinks I need to work on my behavior but all I'm doing is having fun. My dad on the other hand thinks I don't have enough fun. Which I think is pretty awesome. Now back to the car. I was coming back from this sick party down on 6th street and I wasn't looking cause I was trying to change the station on the radio and crashed into a tree. Oops. It was my car so I was upset but also happy. Your probably thinking I'm nuts but see I was saving money for a new car and this was the prefect time to finally get it. I guess not the most prefect time cause now I'm grounded which sucks.

Monday June 15th 2015 (A/N i messed up the dates ik )
Ugh school great. I really don't wanna go. I mean don't get me wrong everyone loves me .. But they actually like me , unlike miss bitch Amanda.
Amanda and me don't get along at all.
She walks around like she owns the place but really everyone hates her but they know if they do anything she will literally make there lives a living hell. Anyway its first period and Mrs. Thomas is talking about world war one. I almost start to fall asleep until the principal walks in. She says good morning and then she says we are getting a new student tomorrow and that his name was Ross lynch and that someone should show him around school. Everyone was so egar to raise there hands that I was the only one who didn't. So of course she picks me ... Great.
Later on that day I get home and go straight to the coffee shop where me and my friend raini always go. They have live music so its always pretty cool. That day this boy goes up and sings. I've never seen him preforming there before. "Damn his pretty cute" I hear raini say. I laugh and say yeah he ain't to bad looking. She jokes and tells me to give him my number and I called her crazy, but he sang thinking out loud by Ed Sheeran and was looking at me like basically the whole time. Oh did I mention that thinking out loud is like my favorite song... Yeah I know.

Tuesday June 16th 2015
Oh great today's the day I have to show that new kid around. I wonder what he's gonna look like. Its first period and everyone's waiting for the new kid to walk threw the door. The principal walks and says attention class this is Ross he will be in your class for the rest of the year. I couldn't believe it.. It was that kid .. At the coffee shop. I see him looking around and when he sees me he just stopped smiled and put his head down. The principal tells Ross to go sit in a seat that was like right in front of me.. She then says this is laura she will be showing u around. Ross now sitting in the seat turns around and says hi I'm ross. He's eyes are so beautiful and he is so hot. I said hey I'm laura and he smiles and turns back around. I still can't believe this is happening .
Later that day I was showing ross around school and he had all the same classes as me which was pretty sweet. I let him meet my friends raini and calum. Raini was freaking out saying that me and ross was gonna be a couple I called her crazy.. But honestly I wanted it to happen.
He was a bad kid like me.. He didn't give a fuck about what people thought of him and he was in love with music... Which is like perfect cause that's what I love too. He tells me how he sings for himself but just recently he has been performing for people. I tell him how I'm a song writer.. But I would never sing in front of a crowd.. Its just not me. He told me that I will never know until I go out there and do it. I never felt more happy about anyone like ever. Too bad I have a boyfriend.. That I'm too scared to leave.

Wensday June 17th 2015
Ross met my boyfriend today. His name is Jake. I don't love him... But I can't leave him.. He hurts me in ways I can't say to anyone... He abuses me and I'm afraid if I let him go he'll hurt me or someone I care about. No one knows .. Everyone thinks I'm so happy but I'm not.
Later at the coffee shop me and raini are sitting at our usual table.. Talking when ross comes up and sits down with us. I think they are noticing the bruses on my arms and face. Ross asks if I'm okay which was weird.. I say I'm fine and he looks at me and mouths "I know what's going on" I open my eyes wide and just walk out of the coffee shop I pull out a cigarette and light it up. Ross follows
" laura you don't have to hide I can help u"
I hear ross from behind me. I ask what he was talking about and he said he knows Jake abuses me cause the same thing happened to his mom. I look at him with tears in my eyes and run to hug him. It was peaceful until Jake comes running up and pulls me away. Jakes yelling at me telling me why am I hugging other boys. Ross comes up and tells him to leave me alone and Jake says u have no right saying anything g about my girl and punches him in the face.. Now they are on the ground fighting and I don't know what to do. Ross wins but jake takes me away and starts running away with me.. I scream help but by that time Jake put his hand over my mouth puts me in his car and drives away .. I see ross and raini running after the car... How did this happen... Where is Jake taking me.. I'm so scared... And I'm not scared of anything .. Ever

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