Smoking (8)

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I made my way up to the tower, the cool breeze hitting my skin instantly. I walked over to the edge and leant against the railing, admiring the sunset. I pulled out a cigarette i'd stolen from Theo and lit it with my wand. I very rarely smoked but for some reason I felt the urge to in this moment. Being drained enough from the day I gave into the urge, not having the energy to have self control.

I stood against the railing for what felt like hours, my mind empty, just letting the wind cool me as the sun set. It was serene, peaceful, what I needed.

"Yknow smoking is bad for you princess"

Immediately the calmness vanished and a certain dread filled me. But just like my last encounter with him, i was too tired to fight. I turned slowly and was met with the unfortunately familiar face.

"That's rather hypocritical don't ya think" i say, glancing at the cigarette in his hand.

He rolls his eyes but in an almost playful manor which threw me off guard. He walked closer until he was next to me, leaning on the railing. The glow from the sunset adding a certain warmth to his skin. He took a drag of the cigarette, blowing out the smoke as he stared into the distance. This was the first time I had ever seen him without that angry, hateful look in his eyes. The first time he had even looked remotely calm. The first time he wasn't acting like a monster and more like a human with feelings. I didn't take my eyes off of him, extremely skeptical of his sudden change in demeanour and expecting this to be some sort of joke or false hope.

"If you keep looking at me like that I'll start to think you like me" he said, a small smirk appearing on his lips

I scoffed, not even entertaining that with a reply. Despite this sudden change in his attitude, he was still the boy who made me miserable, the boy who tore me from my friends, the boy who broke me. I raised the cigarette to my lips once again but before it could get to them, Mattheo took the cigarette from my fingers, dropping it to the floor and stamping it out. My mouth dropped slightly in disbelief and annoyance and I was about to complain when he cut me off.

"Pretty girls shouldn't smoke"

I rolled my eyes at the comment, knowing better than to think it was a legitimate compliment. Not wanting to be in his company any longer, i turned and started to walk away.

"So, your biggest fear is being alone huh"

The comments made me freeze. It had been something I was wishing no one would bring up, especially not the boy I hated the most. I let out an annoyed sigh as I began walking back to the railing.

"So what if it is"

"It's just interesting. Didn't think you'd care so much about that shit. Yknow, considering how quickly you stopped caring about your friends before"

He hit a nerve. And he knew he hit a nerve. The reminder of how quickly I had let my friendships go hurt, even though they were okay now. My glare hardened but his smirk only widened. I scoffed, wanting to say something, wanting to argue and react, but I didn't. I no longer wanted to give him the satisfaction so I walked away, not caring if he said anything else or looked over

I walked back to my dorm, breathing deeply, trying hard to not let his comments get to me. His calm demeanour had been a tease, a way to keep me there so he could hurt me more. I felt stupid for almost thinking any different.

Mattheo riddle is a bad person, and he'll never change.

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