Book (9)

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The weekend finally arrived. I still hadn't forgotten about what had happened with Mattheo but I pushed it to the back of your mind. I had a long lay in on Saturday morning before getting up and ready to go to Hogsmeade to meet Pansy. I wrapped up warm as it was now the peak of winter. When I got there I found her with Draco and the other boys. I said hi to them before me and Pansy left to go shopping.

We both browsed for a long time, looking at the new robes and going into the pet stores before going into my favourite book shop. I went there frequently and so i was quite friendly with the workers. Once I chose a few books you went to pay, placing the books on the counter and getting my purse from my bag while Pansy waited to the side.

"Hey Isa" i said with a smile to the lady at the counter.

"Hi Aria, how've you been?" She replied, smiling too.

Us two had a quick catchup while she placed my books in a bag for me while I paid.

"Oh before I forget" she said, reaching below the counter and placing another book on the counter. "I was told to give this to you when you came in, someone prepaid for it for you"

"Oh, thank you" i said, a little confused.

However a queue was forming so I wasn't able to question her. We both said goodbye before I walked out with Pansy. Outside I looked at the book again, which happened to be a special edition copy of my favourite novel, an expensive one at that. I gave Pansy a confused look which she returned. It had been prepaid for? That meant that someone had gone into the shop, found the book, paid for it, and told them to give it to me. The possibilities of who could have done that swirled around my head but no one stood out. The only viable possibility was that it was a friend, I just wasn't sure what one.

I shrugged it off, just trying to appreciate the anonymous gift as me and Pansy continued with our shopping.

When we got back to our dorm I displayed the book on my shelf, admiring the beauty of the unique cover. I knew that these special editions went for around 100 galleons and couldn't wrap my head around who paid for it and why they would spend that much money on me. Christmas was only a week away and so maybe it was an early present...but from who?

(100 galleons=£497.99)

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