Help (12)

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*mattheos pov*

She's sick. My girl is sick.

I'd left her alone for a couple months, only glaring at her whenever she'd look over, but nothing worse. I couldn't bring myself to. I'd done enough damage previously to keep her away from me which was a blessing and a curse.

However, in the last 3 weeks things have changed. It was subtle at first, her missing a class or two, but then it got worse, and quickly. I wouldn't see her for days, and when I did she looked tired, pale. I'd noticed a bruise on the crease of her arm and based on context I guessed it was from a blood test. He friends walking out of the infirmary, sometimes with her, sometimes not. I had no clue why this was happening, what had brought it on, what it even was or whether she would get better.

For the first time in my life, I was scared.

After still no noticeable improvement in 3 weeks I knew I had to find out what was wrong. It wasn't a common cold or some sort of injury, the fact she'd had blood work showed that much. Although for obvious reasons I couldn't straight up ask, there was luckily an easy way for me to get information. Theo, my best mate, and Pansy, Arias best mate were friends. Not close friends but friendly enough for me to get the information I needed. The tricky part was not making it look like I cared.

A few days later, I got what I needed. I had been talking to Theo about random shit as we usually did when I brought Aria up. Just complaining about how she hadn't been around as much for me to torment. I knew he was only half listening, more focussed on his cigarette and the group of girls nearby, so I didn't have to over explain myself. If asked him if he knew what had happened and of course he said no but after going on about it for a little longer she finally suggested finding out through Pansy what had happened. I nonchalantly encouraged the idea and sure enough, he found out what I needed.

"So what did she say?"

"Well, from what I gathered, she got sick a few years ago with,! Yeh, glandular fever. Anyway, since then she gets ill a lot but recently she's taken a turn for the worst. ME I think Pansy says she has. Whatever the hell that is. So yeh, Pansy said that's why she hasn't been in classes and always looks tired and stuff. Apparently her mum had it too so dunno if it's also like hereditary or something"

"Dam, that's a bit shit"

"Yeh, poor girl. I know she's annoying and shit and you hate her guts but that's a lot to deal with at 16 yknow. Maybe lay off her a bit for a while, if your heart of stone can handle that"

I roll my eyes at the last comment. Maybe everyone that's how it seemed, cold, hatful, son of a dark wizard. If only they knew, knew just how big it could be. But only for her. How I wish I could help her, take away her pain. I'd suffer endlessly if it meant she didn't have to endure a single second of pain.

The reality of the situation sunk into me during mine and Theo's conversation. I thought back and noticed a few times over our long rivalry when she'd be off for a few days but I never thought too much of it. But it made sense now. I didn't know much of what she had and I wanted more than anything to help her. But how.

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