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Applause comes from an unseen audience as a camera zooms in on two people sitting on stage. In one of the two chairs was a young brown skinned woman in glasses, wearing a lab coat. The other seat was filled by an older fair skinned lady with blonde hair. The audience clapped for a bit until the older lady spoke.
"Good morning. I'm Evelyn Andrews and this is The Town Gossip. Today j have the youngest up and coming female scientist in the Jurassic park program up to date, Isis Caparelli." The lady spoke with a heavy British accent. More applause sounded from the crowd.
"Thank you for having me, Evelyn." Isis smiled.
"So, how does it feel to be the first female head scientist, Ms. Caparelli?" Evelyn questioned crossing her legs.
"Please, don't be formal. You can call me Isis." The dark skinned lady laughed.
"Very well... Isis."
"And it is quite an honor to be working in such a male dominated field of work." Isis said, pushing her glasses further up her nose.
"And you're not the least bit intimidated?" Evelyn asked.
"Oh heavens no! Mr. Masrani and Mr. Hammond were quite great." Isis exclaimed.
"But didn't Mr. Masrani and Mr. Hammond die?" Evelyn perked up in her seat, interested in what Isis had to say.
"Of course, and that brings me to my next point. Even though they were great, both failed to take into consideration, human safety. Mr. Masrani was somewhat smarter than Mr. Hammond, but like you said, he's still dead, now isn't he?" Isis said in an accusatory way. "That is why I believe my park will be the most successful one of all on Isla Nublar. Because human safety is my top priority."
"So, you're saying that you won't create a genetically modified dinosaur, like Simon Masrani's Indominus Rex?" Evelyn inquired.
"No, not at all. I'm most likely going to engineer one myself." Isis explained.
"Oh really?" Asked a shocked Evelyn.
"Yes... in fact, I've already made one." Isis admitted. Gasps could be heard throughout the crowd.
"Y-You have?" Evelyn stuttered.
"Yes. We've kept him on the nearby Isla Sorna to study and test him. In fact, we will transport him to the new Jurassic Universe." Isis explained, proudly.
"Mhm.. And what does Ms. Claire Dearing think about this?" Evelyn asked, interested.
"Oh, she shouldn't have any problems. She's been... replaced. But she will be welcomed back with a new job, along with Mr. Grady and all the other employees." Isis finished.
"Interesting... Well, thank you for your time, Ms. Caparelli."
"Thank you." Isis responded. The crowd clapped as the camera fades to black.

So here is the prologue for the sequel. I hope you guys liked it! likeomggurl and I worked together on this for a few days. He actually thought of this whole prologue, so I APPLAUD YOU BECAUSE THIS IS AMAZING! I should be posting up chapter 1 soon. (He will also be posting this story to his profile but it'll be slightly different then mine. I suggest that you should read his too. ^_^) Who knows what's in store for the characters.
So have a good day you beautiful people!

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