jihoon pov

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"Did you seriously put a fridge with a lock on it in your room?" I looked up from my phone to find Hyunsuk standing on the other side of the coffee table, his hands on his hips.

"What's it to you?" I glanced back down at my phone, scowling at the picture on my Insta feed. The dorm fridge had been in my room, or what was supposed to be my room, in Tripp's house.

Kai, who'd taken over my unofficial lease, hadn't wanted it, so Tripp had given it to me. I'd added the lock because I knew it would piss Hyunsuk off.

"I had a bag of apples in the fridge, and now they're gone. Did you take them?" "I needed a snack." "You're such an asshole."

He stomped his foot. "I only have so much for groceries a month. I can't afford for you to steal my food." "That sounds like a you problem."

"We can't all have rich daddies who throw money at us every time we ask." I bit back the wave of anger that washed over me. "You're delusional if you think that's what my life is like."

"Oh, really?" He crossed his arms over his chest. "Who's the one who got a new car for his sixteenth birthday, then crashed it a month later."

"It wasn't new. It was used. And that wasn't my fault. A drunk driver hit me when I was at a stoplight," I bit out. "And it's not like Daddy bought me a new one.

He took the insurance money and gave it to his precious Jennie to go on a shopping spree." "Yeah. It must be sooooo hard having a literal model for a stepmother."

"Watch it, Hyunsukie. You know nothing about what life is like at my dad's," I said icily. "You have no idea what she's like."

"Yeah? Well, try having a stepmom who doesn't give a shit about you and only cares about her kids." "Really?"

I tossed my phone down and stood, my hands shaking as adrenaline poured into my nervous system. "You think my mom gives two shits about me? Carissa, sure, but not me."

"You expect me to believe that? I lived with her full time while you got to disappear to your daddy's house every other weekend."

"You think I'm the favorite? In the last five years, I've heard nothing but how perfect you are. Oh, jihoon, why can't you be more like Hyunsuk?"

I pitched my voice to mimic my mom when she was berating me for not being as good as Hyunsuk. "He's so dedicated. So smart.

So well-liked. You and your perfect grades and perfect attitude." "You think it was easy getting those grades?

I had to work my ass off to get a fucking scholarship because I knew Dad and she wouldn't pay for school, and I don't have a rich daddy to pay for my tuition."

"No, you just have an asshole one who broke up my family." "It takes two to tango. If your bitch mother hadn't gotten knocked up and broken up my family, then I wouldn't have to deal with your stupid face."

"Your dad is the one who knocked her up." I took a step closer to him, so my knees were pressed against the coffee table. "Go cry to your daddy and his piles of money."

"You think I get even a fraction of that money?" I burst out. "Yeah, my dad is loaded, and he spent my entire childhood ignoring me while he worked his ass off to make his money.

But newsflash, Hyunsukie. He doesn't give me a shit. The courts ordered him to pay for school. All that child support that was supposed to go to me was spent on everyone but me.

Do you think a few hundred a month for 'living expenses' makes up for being abandoned by the man who fucking made me?

Hell, you're the one who benefited the most from it." "You think I got your child support?" "I know you did. Mom and Ken put it in a trust to offset your school costs

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