Hyunsuk pov

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guess who found out about the relationship,  and almost got caught in bed naked together

"Huh?" I grumbled sleepily as something warm and solid wrapped around me. "Shhhh, it's me." Jihoon's raspy voice tickled my ear, easing me out of sleep.

 "What time is it?" I snuggled back into him as he spooned me. "Early." He pressed a soft kiss against my cheek. "Did you just get home?" "Yeah. Fell asleep at Liz's and just woke up." "You had fun?" 

"Go back to sleep, kitten. I just wanted some snuggles before I go to my room." "Mmm, 'kay." I cuddled into his warmth, my mind already floating away. "Hyunsuk?" I shot awake, nearly choking when my efforts to sit up were thwarted by a heavy arm and leg that were draped over me, pinning me in place. 

"Shit." Jihoon cursed and rolled over, burying himself under my covers like that would somehow keep him hidden. "Carissa?" I blinked, trying to clear my eyes as I looked at my open door. "Are you okay?" 

"I'm hungry." She came into my room, her eyes on the Jihoon-shaped lump next to me. "Did you and Jihoon have a sleepover?" I pulled the blankets off Jihoon 's face and smirked at him. "We sure did, kiddo."

 "You're hungry?" Jihoon sat up and raked his hand through his hair. "What time is it?" "Shit, it's almost nine." I tossed my phone back onto my bedside table. 

"We'll get up and get you some breakfast." "Where's Mom?" Jihoon threw the covers off. Thank fuck we were both fully covered. I was in my pajamas, and Jihoon still wore his clothes from last night.

 This would have been a million times more awkward if we had both been naked. "She said she and Daddy are sleeping." Jihoon caught my eye, and his look said it all. They were hungover.

 "Well, it looks like you'll have to hang out with us today. How does that sound?" Jihoon stood and stretched his arms above his head. His pants slipped down around his hips, and his shirt rode up, exposing a strip of skin. Goddamn, he was sexy. 

"Yay!" Carissa jumped up and down, clapping excitedly. "You mean all day. Like all day?" "All day." I tore my eyes from Jihoon's body and focused on our sister. I climbed out of bed, half-heartedly trying to tame my hair with my hand.

 "I like when you're friends." Carissa beamed at us. "So do we." Jihoon shot me a tender look, then turned back to Carissa. "Do we want waffles or pancakes for breakfast?" "Pancakes!"

 "With strawberries or chocolate chips?" "Or," I cut in, "both." "Both. Both both!" "Then let's go make some breakfast." I held out my hand and came around my bed. "I'll meet you down there. I'm just going to change." 

I nodded to Jihoon as Rissa dragged me out of my room and into the hallway, babbling about fruit and maple syrup. After breakfast, we took her to the park, where we played some chasing game that was part tag, part hide-and-seek and seemed to get more complicated the longer we played. 

We did tea time, played with her toys, and puppy-piled on the couch while we watched some kid's movie Carissa could quote word for word, which told us how many times she'd seen it.

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