Past is past, right?

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I think I should probably explain a few things about Deku became how he is now. 

T/W: Talk about/attempted suicide, bullying, some mentions of blood

Izuku POV:

"Why are you so mean Kacchan?" I sob, one hand over my bloodied nose. "W-What did I do?"

"You're nothing but a worthless freak, Deku." He spat, "Go do yourself a favour and take a swan dive off the roof. Maybe you'll be born with a quirk in your next life!" 

He laughed and left.

I started to shake and brought myself unsteadily to my feet. What's wrong with me? He's right, I'm just a worthless freak. A waste of space. 

Making up my mind, I grabbed my bag and walked out of the school. I walked the back way home, through all the alleys and dirty streets. 

"Perfect," A voice whispered in my ear. "You'll do just fine," 

I slowly turned and there stood a slimy, green monster. Before I could scream, it jumped on me and I was swallowed in the goo. 

I couldn't move. I couldn't see. I couldn't breathe

This is the end. At least I won't have to go through to trouble of doing it myself. Today is the die I die and no one's going to miss me. Bye Mom. Bye Kacchan. Goodbye everyone. 

"I AM HERE!" A voice shouted. Then a blast of wind through me back. 

My vision was blurry but I could make out a large figure standing not too far away. Did... they save me?

I hit the floor and gasped for breath. My limbs felt heavy and my lungs sore. 

"TODAY I END YOUR EVIL DAYS VILLAIN!" The voice laughed. I looked up from the floor... wait. No! It can't be! ALL MIGHT?!?!

"All Might?!" I gasped, hastily getting to my feet. 

He looked up from putting away the villain in... a soda bottle? Never mind, ALL MIGHT WAS HERE! RIGHT INFRONT OF ME!!!

"AH! ARE YOU OKAY BOY?" He laughed. 

"Y-yeah." I said, stunned. 

"GOOD. I'M OFF TO DELIVER THIS VILLAIN TO THE POLICE! GOODBYE NOW!" All Might said and leaped into the air. Wait, he can't go yet! 

I grabbed his trouser leg and we flew through the air together. 

"HUH? WHAT ARE YOU DOING BOY?" He asked, before landing on a building. 

I tumbled to the floor but got to my feet quickly. 

"All Might... I wanted-... to ask you-... a question," I panted.

"WELL, GO ON THEN!" All Might said.

"I wanted to know... well, I was born without a quirk and I've been bullied most of my life. But I admire heroes so much! I wanted to hear it from you All Might, my idol, can I become a hero? I want to show people that I CAN become a hero without a quirk." I said quickly, waiting for his answer.


He left. Like everyone does. Deny my dreams and then just leaves. How stupid I am. How could I possibly become a hero? How gullible. 

I felt crushed. I've been told my entire life that I can't be a hero without a quirk but I ignored them. All Might was the only thing that kept me going. But...

I couldn't cry. No matter how sad and crushed I felt. I couldn't cry. 

I knew what to do. 

I removed my shoes and bag, standing at the edge of the building. 

What a wonderful view. So beautiful. 

I took a deep breath and...

I jumped. 


A hand grabbed my waist and caught me. 

No! I don't want to be saved!!! I turned my head and was met with piercing red eyes peaking out from a mask of bandages. 

He dropped me in an alleyway and stood over me. His body was covered in knives and bandages. His posture was slightly bent over and he wore black with a blood red scarf. This... this is the Hero Killer: Stain.

"Why did you try kill yourself kid?" He said, his eyes narrowing. 

"B-Because I couldn't do it anymore. I've been bullied all my life and then my idol denied all my hopes and dreams, leaving me on that roof alone. I was sick of being treated like a worthless freak. So I jumped," I said, my eyes filling with tears.

"That's stupid." Stain replied, leaning against the wall. 

"Why did you catch me?" 

"Because I didn't see a worthless freak." Stain said, "I have a proposal. Be my apprentice, I'll teach you to fight and defend yourself. You can prove to people that you aren't worthless. But if you refuse, I can grant your wish and kill you myself," 

I paused, taken aback by his proposal. 

"I-..." I hesitated. I have the chance to prove that I'm not weak, even though I don't have a quirk. I might not have this chance again. "I accept,"

I trained with Stain for two and a half months before we came across a girl on a rooftop crying. 

Apparently she'd murdered someone because she lost control of her temper. Stain offered her the same proposal as he'd offered me: she accepted. 

That's how I met Mayu Tanaka. 

We trained for 10 months together. We suffered together, worked together, and succeeded together. We became close as siblings. 

Stain proposed we join the League of Villains. He despised them but he said he had nothing left to teach us and didn't need us anymore. So we left. Joined the league, no problem. When we joined, All For One offered me the chance to have a quirk. Something I've been denied of my entire life. I accepted. I choose a quirk that wouldn't seem to big, more of a mix of my parents quirk. 

Later, me and Mayu entered UA as undercover spies. Everything seemed to work out. 

Until today. 




That's the end of this chapter! Hopefully it answers all your questions! From Izuku's POV, this was all a dream. 

Let me know if you have any questions, I'll try my best to answer them!!!

Have a good day/night, drink some water, get some rest and maybe eat a little. Go on! 


Word Count: 1051 

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