part four

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We finished dinner with the dog sitting between Dillan and I. After dinner we helped clear the table and wash the dishes. After everything was washed and put away Dillan showed me around and at the end of the tour he showed me his room. His room had the normal wall colors that the other rooms had, a bashe color that looked washed out. His room was somewhat small. Half if his ceiling was slanted like it was part of the roof. On that part he posted artwork. Mostly water color. Some looked like pastel, and they all seemed to be of dark creatures, except one. One looked bright and calm.

"I would of never guessed you would be an art person."

"what? Oh yeah, my mom got me into it and I just keep painting." I walked up to the one single gright painting. In it there was a small creature that radeated the color and made me want to hold it. Dillan came up behind me and gently rested his hands on my arms. I felt warm and safe.

"You like that one?"

"Yeah. I love it."

"You can have it if you want." I turned around and faced him.


"Sure. I have others like it so it doesn't bother me to see it go to a good home." I smiled as ge reached over me and took it down for me.

"Thanks. I'll hang it up in my room. Oh gosh! What time is it?"

"Its about 7:15, why? Didn't you say your parents weren't going to be home tonight?" I rushed out of his room and headed downstairs.

"Yeah but they call the house around 7:30 to make sure everything is okay." He followed close behind.

"Oh okay. Hey mom I'm going to head over to Carah's house. Be back later!"

"Okay be back before ten!" He smiled as he grabbed his keys and shut the door behind him.

We hopped into his truck and he quickly turned it on and left his driveway. We made it to my house within less then a minute.

"Come on in. I'll put my parents cat in their bedroom." He cut the engine.

"Okay. Lets get in there before your parents call." I smiled and hop out of the cab. I unlock the door and head inside. I quickly grab the cat before Dillan gets in the house and run to my partents room. The stupid cat hates me so I hold the thing as far away from me as I possibly can. I throw the thing in my parents room on the bed and slam the door just in time to hear the phone ring. I run back to the kitchen and pick up the phone.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hey baby girl how are you doing?"

"Fine mom." I smile as Dillan walks in with his hands in his pockets.

"How was school?"

"It was good, I made a-"

"Oh huney sorry, your dad and I have to go to a meeting, but I will talk to you tomorrow. I love you." I sigh.

"Love you too." and I listen to the phone go dead and then hold it in my hand.

"Parents busy?"

"They alway's are. But hey, that means we can talk more. Oh I'll go put this in my room. Come on. I'll show you were I live when my parents are here." He looked at me confused.

"I like to stake out in my room when their here otherwise they will try to get me to help them with the paperwork, hoping that I will want to continue the family business which I have no plans on doing." He chuckled as I opened my door.

"Here is my room." I open the door to my room. The bed is made with a red blanket and a white pillow case with a small stuffed dog on top of the pillow. I have a huge walk in closet that is filled with half cloths and half books. Then on the right wall is a desk with a computer on it and some papers scattered about. My wall is littered with art work from friends or my own. I go strate to my desk and pick up a tack and head next to my bed and put the picture that Dillan gave me and put it right by my head bord. The only open space left.

"Who's this?" Dillan is holding a picture frame in his hand and I take it and look at my brother Sam and I. I was ten at the time and he was giving me a piggy back ride.

"That's Sam."

"Oh, sorry."

"No, it's fine. Its the last picture of him and me when he was fun to be around, before my parents got to him."

"You don't like your parents I take it?" I laugh.

"Don't like is an understatement when it comes to my parents. I had a great brother and he was taken way because of him. Then whenever I try to make friends they seem to scare them away, no matter who they are. And to top it off my parents want me to join their business that my great grandfather built a long time ago. But I don't want to. I don't even know what they do." Sam had told me that I didn't want to work with my parents a couple of months after he started working for him. I didn't know how right he was until I was left alone with them. No older brother to protect me, no one else to talk to, and hardly any friends, because of my parents. I loved them, I really did, but I didn't want anything to do with them.

"Hey it's okay. They haven't scared me off yet right?" I laughed.

"You haven't met them yet. Wait until you meet them." He laughed.

"Okay so what do you have planned? You have me till 9:30." I laughed again.

"Lets play some games." he alughed again and we headed down the hall.


Okay So sorry I know it's a lot smaller then the other ones but I thought I would update is anyway. hope you enjoy.

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