hunted part two

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"Say hello to Sam. He doesn't look like much." Dillan cut the engine and stept out, I followed out next and walked up to the car. I gently patted the hood almost afraid it would eat me.

"Let me go put my stuff inside and I'll come out with some tools." He smiled and looked at me.

"I'll come with you. You'll probly need help finding the right tools." I laughed.

"I'm the best macanic in my home." Well behind Sam. He was going to go to collage for automacanics. We walked to my house and went inside through the mud room. I opened the next door to the kitchen and walked to the dinning table, covered in papers and boxes of work my parents bring home from work. I threw my backpack on the chair closest to us. I turned around and almost ran into Dillan again, but he moved out of the way fast enough.

"Sorry we have to go to the gerage." I led him back to the mud room and out the other door in the room. It opened to a garage filled with tools and supplied for home repair.

"And this is my den, most of the time this is known as a mans cave, but no man in this house is fond of fixing things. My dad doesn't do good with his hands. My brother Sam use to-" I cut off at the memory and quickly turned away from Dillan and grabbed my tool box. I turned back around and Dillan looked at me with a question in his eyes.

"You had a brother Sam?" I quickly brushed past him with the tool box.

"A long time ago, then he started working for my dad and then a couple of years ago he got in a car reck. So yes I had a brother. How about you?" I looked at Sam and wondered why I told Dillan that. I didn't know Dillan at all. I just told a total stranger my deepest family secret.

"My aunt past away two years ago. She was like my sister more then my aunt. She was hit by a car. The man who hit her wasn't given any charges or punishment for killing my aunt. But he'll get whats coming to him."

"You going to give it to him?"

"Nah, couldn't hurt a fly."

"Is that why you pulled me out of the way today with that car?" I opened my tool box and then opened sams hood. the engine needed a lot of work. I still needed a lot of parts to replace. but today I was working on taking out the radiator.

"Would you of liked it better if I would of just watched?"

"Funny. hand me a 1/4th rench and the rag." He handed me the rench and put his head under the hood.

"What are you taking out?" I put the renches head on the bolt and pushed to loosen it. Dillan placed his hand on mine and pushed. My heart sped up and my brain didn't think right. I glanced over to him. He had a smile on his face as the bolt loosened and he let go of my hand. I took a deep breath and pulled it off and placed the head back on the bolt. It was easier to push this time.

"Thanks. You know how to take a part an engine?" He looked under the hood again.

"Looks like you hav a ways to go if your taking everything out."

"Not the whole engine, just parts. Like the radiator, the oil tank-got a hole in it- and some other things. I really need to finish this before high school ends."

"So you're fixing this car for your brother or yourself?" I glared at him. Somehow in his eyed he understood.

"Sorry I asked a soft question. Is this your only ride?"

"I could drive the Mustang in the garadge." He looked back at the garadge in suprise.

"You have a mustang?"

"Its my dads spair work car. He said if I wanted to drive it I could. But whenever I go near it, I don't know, the car just seems unfriendly, uncomfterble to be in. So I take bus and rides from friends."

"Okay, then I say we quit yacking and get to work. Bet you ten bucks we'll have this car up in running in a months time."

"You really want to help me?"

"Sure, I've got nothing else to do this year."

"Then I'll take that bet. Bet it will take one month and a couple of weeks." He laughed and we got to work. We didn't end till about five o'clock and we had taken out the radiator and the oil tank. He knew what he was doing and I was glad to have someone to talk to outside of school.

"So, what are you doing for dinner?" I wiped my my hands on a blue rag.

"Probly just eat whatever is in the fridge, why you ask?" He smiled.

"Just thought you would like an actual home cooked meal. Your parents wouldn't mind, right?" My dad would glair and say I better be back before bed time. I smiled.

"Its fine they don't mind. Thanks. Let me just put my stuff away." From inside my house I saw my cat looking out at us. I smiled.

"hey look my cat wants to say hi." Dillan looked at the cat and his eyes looked as if he was scared.

"Don't like cats?"

"No it's more like cats don't like me. I think I'll stay out here and wait." I laughed.

"Okay, I'll be right back." I didn't argue, I really don't like our cat but my dad has had it for a long time. And the fact that the cat creeps me out doesn' t help my case. I looked back at the cat. Only the cat wasn't looking at me it was looking at Dillan. The thing looked as though it had found a mouse and was going to pounce. I looked back at Dillan and he had his eyes locked with the cat, almost as if he was looking at prey. I shook my head and qucikly dropped mu stuff off in the house and grabbed a key, then shut the door and locked it from the outside, just lile my dad told me to. I sighed and put the keys away and looked back at Dillan.

"Okay, I'm ready to go." Dillan smiled and looked at me.

"Great. Lets head out. My house is just down the road literally." I smiled and shook my head. He held open the door for me as I slipped inside. as he gently closed the door and ran around to the other side I buckled up. He hopped inside and shut the door and started the engine in one swift movement. Then he put his car im reverse and backed out of the driveway-without putting his seat belt on.

"Why didn't you put your seat belt on?" He looked down and then shrugged his shoulders.

"My house is right up here. See right here. Home sweet home." I looked outside his window and saw a very old victorian house that was vacent for as long as I could remember. But now, it was alive!

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