Chapter 10

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Carah's POV

I sat on the couch with Dillan and laughed at the stupid video that was playing on AFV. As I stopped laughing I leaned into Dillan and sighed. It has been two weeks sense I found out that my best friend, Dillan wasn't exactly human. Two day's from now would be my birthday. Dillan said that we were going to ditch school this whole week, so we made up excuses that let us both skip school until next Monday, seeing as today is Wednesday and my birthday is on Friday. This week has been a bit funny. Monday my uncle called and told me that they were going to pass through Thursday evening and stay over for my birthday. I kept telling him that he didn't need to come but this morning he left a message on the phone at home telling me that he would be there tomorrow night. The only time he visits is if he has work with my father that they have to discuss, but other than that he never visits. He did visit the day after my brother turned 16 though, and my dad, brother, and him all went out to eat. My cousin was also coming. He is a couple of years older then me, actually he is a year younger than Sam. His name is Ethan. I never liked him, he always had a way of making all happy things look bleak.

"So your uncle is coming tomorrow?" I looked up and saw Austin walk in.

"I keep trying to talk him out of it, but he won't agree to it." I said as I felt anger bubble. I shouldn't get angry over something this little.

"So the plan is that you're going to pretend to go to school and then your going to come over here and we can come up with an excuse for you to not stay home Friday." I looked at the T.V trying to not concentrate on my uncle. "Carah?" I glared at Austin.

"Sure, I don't care," I said as I crossed my arms and leaned into Dillan even more.

"Don't care? These guys are hunters, one if they know you are around Edward, myself or Ellie, let alone Dillan than they might come after us. And if they knew that you don't want to stop the change Friday than you could be in danger too." My vision started to fuzz as I looked at Austin.

"I can handle them, I have been for a long time and I can continue to deal with them without you." Austin looked taken back for a moment then he regained his composure.

"Austin don't," Dillan warned. Austin ignored the warning.

"Child, my people have been slaughtered by your family and their self righteous beliefs. So if you think for just a moment that I am going to let you lead Edward, Ellie, and Dillan right to their deaths you have another thing coming. I know how to deal with these people better than you will any day because you are going to be careless and slip up."

"Austin what are you doing?" Dillan asked as I stood and shook Dillan off of me.

"Really old man? For your information I can keep a secret better than you. You invited me in and thought it was a good idea for me to stay over and then none of you thought it was a good idea to keep an eye on me as you talked about Animi and hunters. If I was a hunter I would have killed you soon after that, because you were careless and stupid," I near yelled. Ellie and Edward came into the room and stood at the edge of the couch. Dillan tried to take my hand but I pulled away too angry to even let him touch me.

"What are you doing Austin? Are you insane?" I heard Ellie ask from behind me.

"I just want to see how close she is and what will happen if someone angers her."

"Hold up your just testing me? You think this is a joke? I will be the first in a long-" suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my gut. I doubled over in pain as the feeling spread.

"You idiot! What did you say?" Edward said as he and Ellie raced over to me. Dillan had picked me up and started carrying me to the basement. Ellie, Edward, and Austin were right behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2015 ⏰

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