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She gets ready in her off white floral short kurti and pair it up with her straight fit wash off jeans. With her hair open and a small clutch attached to them. Added a pair of hoops with some golden tarnish bracelets and finish her look with her vintage style watch and Nike air force shoes. Now all she have to do is to take metro and reached at the destination where Khizra and Daniyal are waiting for her. She didn't wants to go there but Khizra wants her to be there as Daniyal has a meeting with one of his partner so she'll gets bored alone and there comes the need of Qirat.
She agreed on to this brilliant plan of Khizra  of third wellin' them after she begged to her for almost an hour. Now she reached at the metro station which is nearest to their meet up destination and exits from here. She is busy on the call with Khizra telling about her whereabouts to her. In that hustle bustle she exits from gate no. 2 where as she needs to exits from gate no. 3. Now she is standing this side of the road where as she needs to be the on to the other. Here comes her greatest phobia of all time CROSSING THE ROAD now she is standing there for five minutes in hope that someone from this side would go to the other and she'll cross the road with them. Her cell phone rang and Khizra names pop up on the screen. She picks up the call.

“Where are you, Qi?” said Khizra in a very eager manner.

“I am coming, Khizra. Just gimme a moment” she replied very next moment.

“I am waiting for you from an hour and Daniyal is also asking about you too” Khizra said.

“Ufff! How can I ended up here?”she replied irritatedly as she is standing there for about 15min.

While she was telling this to Khizra suddenly she saw a man in black tuxedo talking someone on the phone was passing through her to crose the road and she thought of him as a business man which he obviously look like by his way of dressing. She sees her opportunity to get on to the other side of the road. But her social anxiety comes in between that how she can asks him to make her cross the road. What would he think of her? As she is an adult and not being able to cross the road. She make a fool of her in front of a stranger. While she was thinking all this that gentleman goes forward and at almost middle on the road she without thinking about anything pinch onto the shirt of his biceps as she don't want to lose his only opportunity to get to the other side of the road. This is her habit she needs to hold onto other person while crossing the road. As he was a stranger she can't hold his hand so she do what she thought was safest for her to do.

And that man startled when she pinch onto his shirt and then he irritatedly looks at her like he wants to know the person who have the audacity to do that with him. He looks at her who was a bit of anxious and staring into his eyes, her chain of thoughts broke when someone from the other side of her phone scream her name loudly.
Now he also startled while she picks the phone up and murmured a slow “I am on the way, just five min more” with her he also comes to earth and angrily tried to jerk her hand off from his shirt.

“No. Please don't. I am scared of crossing road alone” she said. He looked at her again, begin to cross the road and busy himself on the call again.

While she was cursing herself for doing the stupidest thing ever. Why she need to do that and make herself embarrassed? She looked at him again who was unbothered and busy on his call. They reached on the other side of the road which also was the entrance of the mall where Khizra and Daniyal was waiting for her. After reaching there she left his shirt which she was holding on to and looked at him. They had a eye contact for a mere second and she felt herself restless, something is scrunched in her stomach so she break the eye contact and said a polite thank you which she didn't acknowledged he hears or not neither she waited for his answer and she turned around to go to the mall.

While entering the mall she prayed to God to never make her face that stranger again as she is so embarrassed that she can't face him ever again in her life. She goes to the shopping complex of that mall because she completely forget to buy something for Daniyal as he was returned some time ago from UK after completing his studies and she is metting him first time after he cames back to India. So for gift she goes to the branded store in the mall and purchased a wallet for him. She paid the bill amount and comes out from store to call Khizra to ask her about their location. She told her about the location and now she is heading to met both of them.

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