(6) YokLongtae - Safe & Sound

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Yok was riding his motorbike to Longtae who was impatiently waiting for him.

"So... this is my baby." Yok got off the motorcycle and pulled out his second helmet from the top-box.

"I'll put it on your head, come here." Longtae approached him.

"Isn't it dangerous?"

"It is not... when you are going to hold my waist tightly." Longtae gulped and Yok put on a smug face as if he won a lottery. He could finally use his motorbike for something else than escaping from the police.

Yok put the helmet on his head but pulled him close by the straps and Longtae's lips bumped into his. Yok sucked his upper lip one more time and Longtae took a step back.

"Yok! You are playing again!"

"No way! I just took the chance to kiss you. You look so cute when you are scared but you are talking so confidently about things... it's attractive." Longtae coughed and Yok buckled his straps. Then he sat back in his seat and waited for him.

Longtae sat behind him right away and put his hands on Yok's hips but Yok pulled him closer so Longtae could lean on his back.

"Don't stop hugging me, I want to ride fast to make you realize why I am not afraid of anything." Longtae intertwined his fingers on Yok's waist and Yok started the engine. He was riding really fast as he said and when Longtae stopped being afraid of the danger, he slowly let go of Yok's waist to spread his hands in the wind.

"Yok! This is so good! Hahah!" The adrenaline rushing in him was something he never felt. It was a positive feeling unlike in his village where he was scared to death of losing his friend's and his life.

"We want to break free!!! Hahah!!!" Yok was speeding up and Longtae roughly bumped into him when Yok rode over a crack in the road. Their heart were beating so fast and Longtae held Yok even more tightly. The warmth on Yok's back felt so nice... sometimes he shared this feeling with Gram when one of them didn't have their motorbike but with Longtae it felt different.

They returned to Yok's place when Yok managed to show Longtae the beautiful nature on his motorbike.

"I'm home! I gotta find mom now, you can stay in my room." Longtae nodded and Yok headed to the kitchen. His mom looked worried and quickly stood up when she saw him to hug him but also scold him for not telling her he'd be home late.

Yok explained it all to her though she wasn't catching up the signs at first as she was panicking. When he told her he spent his evening with Longtae, she calmed down immediately. Then she warmed the dinner for him in microwave and paid him attention again.

"Y-o-k, y-o-u a-r-e s-p-e-n-d-i-n-g a l-o-t o-f t-i-m-e w-i-t-h t-h-a-t b-o y. A-r-e y-o-u t-h-a-t c-l-o-s-e?" Should he tell her they are seeing each other? Yok didn't tell her much about his love life but she liked Longtae and so he thought she deserved to know.

"I l-i-k-e him r-o-m-a-n-t-i-c-a-l-l-y a-n-d h-e s-h-a-r-e-s m-y f-e-e-l-i-n-g s."

"Y-o-u a-r-e t-w-o b-o-y-s..." She looked confused.

"B-o-y-s c-a-n l-o-v-e b-o-y-s t-o-o. I h-a-v-e n-e-v-e-r l-i-k-e-d g-i-r-l-s a-n-d y-o-u k-n-o-w i-t."

"I k-n-o-w i-t i-s a d-i-f-f-e-r-e-n-t a-g-e n-o-w a-n-d y-o-u a-r-e s-m-i-l-i-n-g a l-o-t m-o-r-e a-r-o-u-n-d h-i-m b-u-t... i-s i-t s-e-r-i-o-u-s?" He didn't have an answer to this... though he wanted it to be serious, he didn't want to involve him much with himself... it was dangerous.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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