Tears and blood.

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A few hours later i wake up a bit disoriented but i manage to recover quickly, i try to sit up but tom quickly ends it by putting his hand on my chest. "Dont sit up melody." I look at him and then to his hand. "Pedo." I laugh and tom just shakes his head in disappointment and takes his hand off my chest but he smirks slightly, a nurse comes in and she makes me drink some water through a straw, i smack my lips. "Lecker..." tom smirks like he's trying not to laugh, i roll my eyes and i look down at my arm and i gasp. "Oh my godd, my arm is pink!" I smile and lift my arm up. "Melody put your arm down before you hurt yourself. tom says firmly, i give him a dirty look. "When can i leave?" I ask, tom doesn't even look up from his laptop. "When you're sober and the doctors say we can leave." I sign. "Scheisse." I say annoyed. "Watch it." Tom cuts me off firmly. I ignore him, i start to play with the oxygen tube on my nose. "Stop." Tom says already annoyed by me. "Tomm." I call him. "What?" Tom asks annoyed. "I'm hungry." Tom signs and stands up. "What do you want?" He asks. "McDonald's?" Tom instantly cuts me off. "No." I groan. "Then I don't know?" I say annoyed, tom then just leaves the room.

- like this but the blue bit is pink and the white bit is black

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- like this but the blue bit is pink and the white bit is black

He comes back with some crisps and a sandwich. "Danke." I say smiling. "Whatever." Tom replies coldly. I sit up carefully and start eating my food. After a while i sober up and the nurse takes out all the needles and wires attached to me and the cannula in my arm, im still wearing the hospital clothes and tom packs up my stuff. The nurse gives me an arm sling to take and me and tom leave the hospital, i get in the back and i lean my head against the car seat. I can see tom keep glancing at me through the rear view mirror but i just ignore him. We get home and I instantly head to my room, i look at myself in the mirror at all the bruises, the cuts...i look at my eyebrow with a cut on it, i look at my black eye and the cuts on my cheek and my lip, i cover my mouth with my free hand and i sob remembering the way they were stomping on me and punching me so ruthless like they have no idea of how dangerous it is, how damaging it is. I sob and i get my makeup out to try and cover the bruises and cuts but there was no use, they were sill there. I sob silently and wipe all the makeup off both out of pent up anger and pain.

I calm down by smoking a blunt and i get the makeup off properly, i then hear tom call me from downstairs. I groan and go down while smoking the blunt. "What?" I ask annoyed as i blow out smoke. "Come on and get your shoes on." Tom orders. "Why?" I ask not moving an inch. "Because i said so, and get rid of that blunt. If i go out smelling like weed it's not gonna look very professional isn't it." He says firmly, i roll my eyes and i get my shoes on. I sit outside with my blunt as i finish it for tom. We leave and get in toms car. "You seriously gonna wear that out?" He asks both confused and surprised. I was wearing those fluffy pink hello kitty pj bottoms, a black top with strings and pink/black adidas campus's. "What? I'm comfortable." I reply slightly irritated by his tone. "You look like you just got out of bed." He says, i scoff. "Says you with your baggy ass clothes, seriously you look homeless with your clothes." I say slightly snapping at him. He looks back at me looking at me up and down before looking back to the road. "What was that look for huh?" I say getting defensive, he chuckles quietly and shakes his head. "Nothing." I scoff and look back out the window. "Where are we going anyway?" I ask while looking out the window. "Your father's work." I look at him. "Why?" I ask slightly suspicious. "He found out you were in hospital and he wants to see you." I gulp softly. "Am i in trouble?" I ask getting nervous. "I don't know." He replies, i sign and rub my temples. "Verdammt noch mal." I mutter under my breath. "Schau es dir an." He replies back in German. I glance back over at him in annoyance.

We arrive at my fathers place and i can feel my heart beeping out of my chest, i get out the car and we walk over to the doors of the building, tom opens the door for me and we walk down the hallway to my fathers office. I could tell tom was nervous as well, he kept checking his pulse on his neck and wrist, i thought it was a kinda weird thing to do when your nervous but I couldn't be asked to think about that now. I felt both scared and nervous if my father shouts at me. We reach the doors to my father's office and tom knocks on the doors. "Come in." I hear my father shout. I gulp and we enter, my father signs and rubs his temples as he sees my injuries. I sign quietly and look down. "I'm sorry dad." I say as my father stands up from his desk. "Tom, can you please stand outside for a moment I need to talk to my daughter." He says sounding angry but trying to suppress it, my breath shutters as i know im in trouble. Tom nods and leaves the room, i look at my father. "It wasn't my fault, they cornered me in the school bathroom and they all attacked me! All five of them!" I plead to my father but he snaps. "Be quiet!" He shouts, i flinch slightly at his tone. "I told you melody! I told you to stay out of trouble! Do you know how much this ruins my reputation!? To have everyone knowing that my daughter is a thot?!" I sob as he screams at me. "Please dad! It's not my fault! They all attacked me! I tried to defend myself!" I cried as he screamed at me. As i was crying, my father slammed his fists down on his desk. "Shut up with your bitch crying melody! I don't want to hear it, I'll give you a reason to cry if you don't shut up! No wonder why your mother killed herself, she was sick of you! Now go, i need to try and sort this whole situation out!" At that moment i felt like someone had shoot a bullet right through my heart, i left quickly and i stormed through the doors. Tom saw me and walked up to me. "Hey.." he says both confused and concerned. "Just take me home kaulitz." I say, my voice breaking as i sob. I storm out the building to toms car, i open the door and I sit in the back and i just look out the window as i wipe my tears silently, tom gets in the car and he decides to not ask about what just happened now.


We arrive home and i get out the car and instantly head to my room, i collapse on my bed and I cry into my pillow for hours, i stop crying but i feel numb to the core, i look over to my vanity and I get up. I unscrew the one of the lightbulbs to reveal a small open space with a blade inside, I hesitate and think for a second, I've been clean for so long but not even a blunt or two will get rid of my pain. I sob again and i grab the blade. I go to my bathroom and I put the blade to my skin, i breath heavily and sob as i sit on the cold floor, i then proceed to slash the blade across my skin, i watch all the blood pours out the cut and my skin surrounding my cut turn swollen and itchy, i cry as i gasp softly as i feel the pain throb through my arm but one turns to two and two turns to four and four turns to multiple, on my wrist, my arm, my thighs...all painted in blood and swollen white gashes. I cry silently as i watch as i drop the blade to the floor, i stumble back and i lay on the floor as i feel my whole body shiver and shake from the pain. I get up and grab my first aid, i put plasters on all my cuts and then i bandage my arm and thighs up, i wash the blood off my free hand and off my legs, my eyes are swollen and red from crying so much. I feel so numb and emotionless but i should of expected it from my father, he's a cold heartless man who can't even speak to his daughter without treating her like one of his employers for one minute. I collapse on my bed and pass out.

- 1602 words

HER BODYGUARD ~ tom kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now