'Baby dont cut.'

735 13 17

TW: suicide attempt.

Ever since i found out about my father killing my mother, a disgust and pain has took control of me. I don't eat, I don't sleep, im always smoking or drinking now. I hate it, i hate everything. I wanna kill him, so bad. I want to hurt him for killing my mother, i want him to go through all the pain i went through when he told me she died. I don't wanna do this anymore, im in my bed crying and smoking the pain away. I think about everything shit in my life right now, I don't wanna live like this. Ever since my mother's death i woke up to the real world, the world is evil and full of monsters, i have no empathy for anyone. At that moment it snapped in my mind. I get up and i go downstairs to the medical cabinet, i debate in my head if i should do it or not. I then remember how shit life is and has been since my mother's death. I grab all the pills i could hold and i go back to my room. My breath was shaky and panicked as I swallowed all the pills i could see, i gagged and choked as i swallowed as quick as i could, i cough and get up as i pace and shake, im crying as i soon was hit by the affects of the pills, i feel my heartbeat race as i begin to sweat. I start to feel incredibly disoriented before a big wave of dizziness washes over me, i then collapse on the floor with a big bang, my breathing is ragged and shallow as darkness surrounds me and everything goes black.

I was asleep when a loud noise woke me up, i sit up on high alert. I get out of bed in just my pj bottoms, i grab a bat as i walk out of my room and down the hall checking all the rooms, i get to melody's room and i carefully open the door, my gaze falls to melody on the floor. I instantly check on her, i shake her. "Melody? Melody?!" I look up as i see all the pill bottles and packets on her bed and realisation hits me, i grab melody's arm and i drag her out of her room and down the hall as i shout and beg for her to wake up, i feel tears prick in my eyes making my vision blurry. I drag her deadweight body into the bathroom as i turn the shower on, i pick her up as i wince. I lay down in the tub as i lay her in between my legs with her back  against my bare chest, i cry as i shout for her to wake up. "Melody!! Please! Wake up! Melody!!!!" I shove two fingers down her throat as i dig down her throat but there's no reaction, i cry and sob as i use my other hand to slap her face and shake her. "Please melody! I can't lose you! You're too young for this!" I beg, i dig three fingers down her throat as i try to trigger her to throw up, the feeling of my fingers down her throat make my skin crawl but i have to do it to save her.

Theres still no reaction from her at all, i dig my fingers deeper as i sob and cry for her to throw up the pills, her wet hair sticks to my skin as the warm water rains down on us. I touch the walls of her throat and her body jolts as she gags, a wash of relief wash over me as i do it more but the danger and desperation is still there. I dig my fingers against the walls of her throat again and she jolts up and vomits. "Yes! Yes! Come on baby!" I cry and encourage her. She vomits up the pills and she looks around before she starts to sob, she's shaking and her body is cold despair the warm shower water wetting us. She sobs and i pull her close and nuzzle my nose into her wet hair and i gently kiss her head and neck as i sob quietly with her. I whisper soothing words into her ears. "It's okay, please don't cry...im so sorry, im so sorry..." i hold her tightly, her wet body against my bare chest and our wet clothes.

I couldn't feel, hear or see anything, i was slowly dying, everything was black and cold around me, i was cold. I could feel the life slowly leaving my body before i feel my body jerking up as im slowly brought back to life, i vomit the pills  as i feel toms fingers down my throat, i cough and choke as i feel my wet clothes and the water falling on me with tom crying and screaming at me to stay alive, i comeback to my senses as i realise tom saved me. I start to sob as tom holds me close and he nuzzles my hair with his nose, i can hear him sobbing and that's something I've never seen in tom, especially with his cold personality. I cry as my body shakes from the trauma its just been through, i feel tom pull me close and wrap his arms around my waist and he kisses my head and neck, I've never been treated like that before.

HER BODYGUARD ~ tom kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now