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Fairy Twenty Four


Once Tiana was in a room within the wisteria house along with Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu, she sat in between Inosuke and Zenitsu. She was enjoying the food that was provided for them, just like the boar masked boy but a little bit less messier.

Tengen thought the fairy looked adorable from how she continuously stuffed her face with food, her cheeks reminding him of chipmunks from how full they were and at the thought of that, a chuckle slipped from his lips. "Alright, listen up." He gained everyone's attention before speaking again.

"While in the entertainment district, I'll be digging for information on the demon that's there and...you must look for my bride."

"THAT'S OUTRAGEOUS!" Zenitsu hissed.

"Huh? Listen, you're wrong—!"

"NO, YOU LISTEN TO ME!" Zenitsu shouted, jabbing an accusing finger at the older male as his voice grew louder. "I'm sure that a screwed up oddball like you has no luck with the ladies! However... JUST BECAUSE YOU WANT A WIFE THAT'S NO REASON TO USE DEMON SLAYERS LIKE US!"


"YOU IDIOT!" Tengen's loud booming voice made the fairy jump a bit before she covered her pointed ears to tune out his voice the best she could. "MY WIVES INFILTRATED THE ENTERTAINMENT DISTRICT AND HAVE BEEN GATHERING INTEL ON THE DEMON HERE! I'M GOING IN CAUSE THEIR COMMUNICATIONS SUDDENLY STOPPED!"

It was quiet for a few moments as Zenitsue stared at Tengen with a deadpanned expression on his face.

"Is that some weird fantasy you tell yourself?"

"YOU DAMN PUNK!" Tengen chucked a wad a paper at the younger boy, the force sending him back on his ass. "These are letters sent via sent by the Kasugai crow!"

Tanjiro picked up one of the stacks, astonished by the sheer number of letters.

"There's quite a lot of them. Has she been undercover for a long time?"

"Idiot! I have three wives."

'He has three wives...wow..!' Tiana thought in surprise at the new information before she covered her ears once more when Zenitsu started screaming again.


Tengen slammed his fist into Zenitsu's stomach, which had launched the poor boy backwards where he collapsed on the floor.

"You got a problem with that?"

A menacing glare settled on Tengen's face. Tanjiro and Inosuke looked down at the floor, while Tiana stared back at him with an innocent expression.

"What's marriage like?" Tiana broke the tension, curiosity evident in her tone. Tengen sighed as his glare relaxed before titling his head to the side, his gems dangling from his headband shifting from the sudden movement.

"Curious aren't we?"

"Well yes, us fairies don't know how human marriages work or are like. So, I admit that I'm a bit curious." She confessed with a light laugh and Tengen couldn't help but grin at her.

"If you agree to becoming my fourth wife, I can show you."




"WHAT?! HOW DARE YOU TRY TO SEDUCE TIANA-CHAN, YOU BASTARD! AND I'LL BE THE ONE TO MARRY HER!!" Zenitsu screamed as he glared at the older male with crossed arms.

"Pfft!" Tengen snickered at the blonde, not caring to hide the laugh that escaped his lips.

"As if a little twerp like you could marry her! You're so unflamboyant! Don't make me laugh!"


The blonde hair boy glared daggers at Tengen, while Tanjiro held him back from hitting the hashira since he knew he wouldn't be able to succeed.

"Please stop yelling! And besides, I can't marry either of you. Fairies can't marry humans." She told them, a smile coating her features. "Let's talk about what's in the letters? I'm sure Uzui-san's wives wrote some important stuff."

Tanjiro nodded his head agreeing with the fairy as he released the blonde haired boy before looking up at Tengen. "In the letters, they keep reminding you not to stand out when you come. What are we going to do?"

"Well, of course, disguise yourself. It's boring and plan but I have to get you in there for your mission." Tengen finally began to explain the specifics of the mission. "I was sure that this district would be the perfect place for the demons, but when I went in as a customer, I couldn't get anything on them. All three of my wives are brilliant ninjas; kunoich so I sent them in, but not as customers. I've narrowed down the likeliest houses to three, you four will search for my wives there and gather information." Tengen raised his hand, holding up three fingers.

"Suma at Tokito House, Makio at Ogimoto House, and Hinatsuru at Kyogoku House."

"Your wives must be dead, don't you think?"

Tengen slammed his fist in Inosuke's stomach just like he did to Zenitsu.

'Inosuke-kun, you deserved that one but.. Kyogoku House? It sounds familiar..

Like I heard it before..

But where?'

The fairy glanced at the door as she heard approaching footsteps. Moments later, the door slid open to reveal the house caretakers with a wooden box between them.

"We've brought the items you requested."

Tengen turned to them with an annoyed glare, while Zenitsu and Inosuke lay collapsed in a heap beside him.

"Thanks," Tengen said curtly.


Fairy End


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