Chapter 2: Dr Harleen Quinzel

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"Masked vigilante sightings were reported on social media last night. The GCPD page has refused to comment on the matter, but witnesses say, the vigilante engaged with a crew outside the Iceberg Lounge..."

That's enough Wednesday radio. Traffic is getting bad. Let this guy merge. So many tents on the streets today and it's not even camping season. How did they lose their homes? What drove this city into such squalor? My shift is beginning in 10 minutes, I need to get into the left lane. A kind-of-not-really big day today. A freshly cleaned lab coat, blouse and pencil skirt. I'm wearing my favourite gold earrings. Lipstick on point. Hair conditioned and twirled into a clip. I look as best as I can. As professional as I can. I should be feeling amazing today.
Okay, here we are. Arkham. Get to staff parking then you can have that snack. No one better have taken my parking space again. Click-clack-click-clack-click. Why am I using my signal I'm in a parking lot? Okay, pull in. Don't hit the car. Shift gear. Park. Sigh. 

I open the wrapper of my granola bar with a growing lump in my throat. It feels like a frog. Like the expression, exactly. The height of this institution really humbles a girl, you know? You like to say you're the best. Are you the best? Can this place truly be purged? It's a living thing, almost. A haunting thing. As if it should say 'Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here' outside the gates. This place is starting to eat at me, I think. Or maybe I'm eating at myself. I am.
I check my phone again for some reason. The home screen is blank. Just the picture of myself and Daniel. No text messages. No 'good morning, I love yous'. Did I do something wrong this morning? Did my breath smell bad, or did I forget to smile at him? I didn't give enough of myself as I should have. Maybe he feels rejected or not good enough, too? I feel like I'm failing with him. I try and try to be the woman he wants, but I can't be. 

The woman I am is needed here. With these loony toons. Trying to make the impossible possible. Every mind I cure, his heart breaks a little more. How do I deserve him? I don't dwell on it for long as time is running fast. I step out of my sedan and my heels greet the pavement. Then I'm looking up at the beast itself. Arkham has a harrowing glare that is nearly impossible to describe. The architecture carried over from centuries. A barbarian castle with untold horror stories from years past. It dares you to come hither. It wants you inside. The barred windows all carrying two vacant eyes that follow you till you're out of view. You know the only thing on their minds is how they would kill you.

Time for work.

Walking into Arkham for the first time in the day is always a bit surreal. I go through the metal detectors, give away my purse to the officer, get it back. Administration is the first area after the doors. Then walk a little more, there is the doctor's lounge. Put all my things away and doll myself up a little more in the mirror before I have to go to the meeting room. 7:55am. It's in five minutes. Time to share the news with the others. I should be excited.

I walk inside the meeting room and there are already a few familiar faces sitting to the table. Warden Javier Santos sits to the front like a daddy at a wedding party.

"Ms. Quinzel."

"Warden Santos."

I greet him with a closed smile. One of the members of the board, David Kauf, sits to his right. I feel I should take the left.

"Mr. Kauf! It's so nice to see you again!" Is my voice too chirpy?

"Likewise, doctor." 

He barely moved a muscle as I nearly fell over the table to shake his hand.
Soon more correctional officers came through the doorway as I took my seat. My posture is straight, my hands folded to the tabletop. I don't want to seem intimidating. So, I smile to all who come through. Officer Bolton comes in with a few other brawny guardsmen. If they smiled, they would surely crack. But Officer Ruby Morello doesn't shy from smiling. She beamed one back to me before she made it passed the doorway. Oh, her hair is looking extra cute today. I love the natural black curls she just lets fluff. An afro, I think? No. Maybe not. Ruby makes that correctional officer get-up look surprisingly sheek. I wonder if her nose piercing hurt. She sat down beside me and greeted.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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