we dont hate you

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T-"Umm ok"
The car was quiet till lunch.

Tim and Angela walked over to Nyla and John. Tim sat down and didn't talk while the rest went and got food. Lucy walked over to Tim.
L-"Hey babe, how's your day been so far"
Tim was just sat there staring at a plant.
L-"Hello, earth to Tim"
Tim still didn't answer her
L-"What the hell Tim why aren't you answering me"
T-"Oh umm, hey Chen, didn't know you were there"
L-"Why are you calling me Chen"
T-"Maybe because you have been lying and keeping secrets from me for 6 weeks"
L-"What do you mean"
T-"I don't know, what about the fact the you slept with someone else and now you don't know if that baby's even mine"
L-"Who told you that"
T-"Angela did because you didn't and you were meant to tell me last night"
Angela and the rest had just come back to the table
L-"What the hell Angela why would you tell him, you've just ruined our whole relationship"
T-"No, you don't get to blame her, your the one who's in the wrong, she told you that if you didn't tell me she was going to tell me, which she did. You lied to me, kept secrets from me then tried to blame someone else for "ruining our relationship". Guess what, we aren't us anymore, your Lucy Chen, the single mother who has at least 2 possible baby daddy's and I'm Tim Bradford the man who got cheated on and lied to by Lucy Chen"
Lucy had tears running down her cheeks.
L-"Tim, please give me a chance it was a 1 time hook up, I was drunk"
T-"If you were drunk then it counts as rape, are you saying you were raped and you didn't cheat on me"
L-"No, I wasn't raped we were both drunk"
T-"That's not an excuse then, if I had gone to a bar and gotten drunk then slept with someone else, I would have cheated"
L-"Tim, please can you give me a chance, you can get a paternity test if you really want"
T-"No Lucy, now if you want to sit here I'll move"
L-"No Tim, you can sit there I'll go sit by myself"

Lucy walked over to a table and sat by herself. She was about to cry.

~Lucy's thoughts~
How am I going to raise a baby by myself. I have no one to support me all of my friends know what I did, Tamara isn't gonna like me anymore, I have no family. How am I going to raise a baby on my own.

~on the table with Tim~
A-"I'm sorry for telling you, I should have just let Lucy tell you"
T-"No Ange, it's not your fault this would have happened either way, it's just I now feel bad cause she's gonna have to raise this baby on her own if it's not mine"
A-"Your gonna help raise the baby if it's yours"
T-"Of course I'm not a deadbeat, and I've always wanted to be a dad, I've just got to cool down before I tell her I'll be in the baby's life if it's mine so I want to get a paternity test"
A-"Of course"

(Time skip again, im sorry)

~4 months later~

Lucy is now almost half way through her pregnancy and is doing desk work. Shes pregnant with a baby girl. She's contacted Jacob and told him that she might be pregnant with his baby. She told Tamara that she's pregnant but that she cheated on Tim so she doesn't know whose baby it is. Tamara still living in Lucy's apartment, and still sees Lucy as a parental figure and the same with Tim. Tamara is also very excited to have a baby sister.

Lucy woke up feeling like she's having cramps but doesn't think anything about it. She got ready and went to work.

She got in and was told that she'd be working with Lopez and Harper. She was dreading it as they don't like her because she cheated on Tim.

She walked over to them.
L-"I was told I'd be helping you two today"
A-"Yeah you are, here's the case read over it and we'll let you know what's to be done after that"
L-"Ok thank you"
N-"Lucy, just so you know, we don't hate you, we just don't agree with cheating on your significant other"
L-"I never said I thought you hated me"
A-"Lucy we can tell when you think we do and your body language indicates that you think it"
L-"Fine I kinda did and I was kinda regretting not calling in sick when I felt like I was having cramps this morning"
A-"What do you mean cramps"
L-"Well this morning I woke up to almost period like cramps, but obviously it can't be my period"

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