Daisy West Bradford

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A-"That's weird, do you want to go get checked out, I've never had it happen in either of my pregnancies, except when I was in labour"
N-"Same with me"
L-"Labour! I can't be in labour, I'm only 24 we- AHHHHH!!"
Lucy held her little bump in pain
A-"Lucy, I need you to calm down for me, it's only gonna make the pain worse"
L-"I feel like I'm being stabbed in the stomach"
A-"I know, I need you to calm down, Nyla can you call an ambulance"
L-"Why do I need an ambulance"
Lucy started to panic
A-"Lucy, I need you to calm down, is there anyone you want me to call"
L-"I'd say Tam, but she's at scho- AHHHH!"
A-"Ok, Lucy breathe for me, deep breath in, deep breath out"
Lucy started to sweat and looked like she was about to pass out.
N-"The paramedics are here"
A-"Ok get them to come in here"
Nyla went and bought the paramedics to Lucy and Angela.

Paramedic 1-"Hey I'm Chloe, this is Amber, what's the problem"
A-"This is Lucy Chen, she's 24 weeks pregnant and was complaining of small period like cramps, she then started to scream out in pain from the pain, she's now sweating and in and out of consciousness"
Amber-"Ok, how old is she?"
A-"29" (I looked it up on Google and that's what it said)
They started to work on Lucy, when all of a sudden Tim came running up. Angela went over to him so he couldn't see it was Lucy being treated my paramedics.
T-"Ange, who's the ambulance here for"
A-"Lucy, she said that she had been having small period like cramps which she then started to scream out in pain, the she got all sweaty and started to go in and out of consciousness"
T-"Is she ok, is the baby ok?"
A-"She's probably going to need to go to the hospital"
T-"Can you go with her to the hospital"
A-"Was already planing on it"
T-"Thank you"

Angela went back over to the paramedics and they were ready to take Lucy to hospital. Angela rode with Lucy to the hospital.

When they got there, a whole bunch of nurses and doctors were in the room. Angela was told to wait in the waiting room.

Dr-"Family of Lucy Chen"
A-"That's me"
Dr-"She has an infection in her uterus, which is causing her to go into premature labour, we've given her iv antibiotics but she's to far dilated to be given medication to stop her labour from progressing so we need to take her for an emergency c-section, we just need to speak to her next of kin, a Mr Tim Bradford"
A-"Umm, ok I'll call him here"
Angela called Tim.

T-"Ange, is everything ok"
A-"You need to get to the hospital now"
T-"Ange what's happening, is everything ok"
A-"Just get to the hospital now"
T-"Coming now"

After 2 minutes Tim was already there. The dr spoke with Tim and then took Lucy for the emergency c-section. After 3 hours the dr came out and spoke to Tim and Angela again. He told them that everything went well and that the baby was big, considering that Lucy was only 24 weeks pregnant.
A-"So how many weeks would you say the baby is born at her size"
Dr-"30-33 weeks pregnant"
T-"Wow, Ange has Lucy ever mentioned the baby measuring 6-9 weeks ahead"
A-"No she's always said that the baby is measuring at 24 weeks not bigger not smaller"
Dr-"If you would like to see Lucy, she's in room 306. She should be awake now"
A&T-"Thank you.

Tim and Lucy both went to Lucy's hospital room.
A-"Hey Luce how you feeling"
L-"Like shit, I just want to see my sweet baby girl"
T-"Did you know she's the size of a 30-33 weeker"
L-"I know, it's because I was actually 31 weeks not 24, I found out after my first ultrasound but no one was speaking to me, except for Tam, so only she knew, speaking of Tam, have you called her"
A-"No, would you like me to?"
L-"Yes please"
Angela stepped out of the room to call Tamara, leaving just Tim and Lucy in the hospital room
T-"So she has to be mine"
L-"Yeah, she does, I only slept with 1 other person while we were together"
T-"What are we going to name her?"
L-"I hadn't really thought of a name for her just yet"
T-"How about Daisy West Bradford, it honours Jackson in the name and I know you love the name Daisy"
L-"I do, did you know that Tams middle name is Daisy"
(I don't think it is it's just I wanted her to be named after Tamara too)
T-"I know that you've also always wanted to name our first girl after Tam"
L-"You listened to what I was saying"
T-"Of course I did I love you"
L-"You love me, not loved me. Even after I cheated"
T-"Yes, Lucy I still love you and I only broke up with you because you had broken my heart between the cheating and the lying"
L-"Tim, I know that me saying sorry isn't gonna do anything, but I'm sorry and I still love you, and I miss you, so if you'd be willing to, could we maybe try again"
T-"We should take it slow, become friends again, then start to date, and go slowly through the stages of dating, which I know might be difficult considering we have 2 daughters together but that's on"
L-"Wait really"

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