14: Christmas Party +

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(a/n) okay there technically isn't any smut in this but it is sexual sO YEAH

It's been a few weeks since Michael had taken Luke to Old Paul's and the two have been fine since then. But showering Luke is a lot harder now. Literally. Michael feels almost as if them having sex improved their friendship because the two weren't technically dating. They trust each other more, both him and Luke like that.

Michael doesn't regret taking Luke to Old Paul's anymore.

Michael cringed at the smell of meat leaving the food he was preparing, gagging slightly when he felt sick rising up his throat. Luke looked at Michael worriedly as he ran to the downstairs bathroom while holding a hand over his mouth.

"You okay?" Luke asked as he got up and followed Michael into the bathroom with his walker. He cringed slightly at the sound of Michael retching into the toilet but kneeled down and rubbed his back soothingly.

Michael felt tears brim his eyes as his lunch left his stomach in an instant. Luke pushed back Michael's hair so he wouldn't get it dirty and sighed when Michael coughed before flushing the toilet.

"Fucking hell," Michael groaned, squeezing Luke's hand that had made its way into his at some point. "What's wrong?" Luke asked softly, thumb rubbing circles onto Michael's lower back.

"That god damn smell," Michael cringed, helping Luke up and rinsing his mouth before heading back into the kitchen with Luke hot on his heels.

Why has he been feeling ill for three days in a row? It can't be a cold, maybe it's a virus or something. Hopefully.

He shook his head before chopping up some carrots and plopping them into a pot of soup he'd been preparing. The way his mum used to make it. He smiled to himself before turning up the speaker on the kitchen counter and walked towards Luke who was laughing quietly at the way Michael walked, hips swaying slightly as his hands made weird movements.

"And, darling, I will be loving you 'til we're seventy," Michael and Luke yelled together, giggling quietly as Michael put a hand on the small of Luke's back and linked fingers with the other.

Michael and Luke made their way around the kitchen and slow danced playfully. Luke had his head on Michael's shoulder as he let adorable laughs leave him when Michael randomly belted out lyrics to the song.

Michael slowed down slightly when the song was about to end and whispered the lyrics as Luke looked him straight in the eye with a sly smile on his lips. "Take me into your loving arms. Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars --"

Michael's breath hitched when Luke pressed their lips together softly, the boy's bottom lip in between Luke's as the song came to an end. Michael untwined their hand and brought his free hand to Luke's lower back and slipped his thumb under the boy's Christmas sweater. He rubbed soothing circles onto the warm skin and smiled into the kiss when Luke let his hands knot into the boys hair, his fingers tugging lightly to make Michael moan at the relaxing feeling.

Sometimes Michael forgets that he's Luke's caretaker and Luke forgets as well. Because there's obviously feelings involved in all this and not just pleasure. And quiet frankly, the duo have never felt like this towards someone who felt the same way. So it was nice knowing they cared but sometimes people push others away when they find out they care to reduce heartbreak. And Luke was scared Michael would just quit and leave him. But they shared the same fear.

The duo kept walking backwards until Luke finally hit his bum on the kitchen counter. He moaned softly when Michael sucked gently on his neck, not wanting to leave a visible mark on his neck because Luke was having family over and they didn't really want to get embarrassed over something like that.

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