28: Say Something

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Michael groggily rubbed at his eyes as he stretched in bed with a quiet sigh. He curled in on himself and wrapped an arm around the warm body next to him and pressed his chest against their back. His fingers squeezed their hip, but it didn't feel right.

This wasn't Luke.

Michael quickly shot up from bed, eyes going wide when he saw Calum under the same covers as him. "Fuck," Michael whispered, groaning as he felt a pain in his lower back. "Morning," Calum mumbled, yawning as he popped his back while stretching.

"I cheated," Michael whispered, running a hand through his hair. "What?" Calum asked, narrowing his eyes at the blue haired man in his bed. "I fucking cheated," Michael repeated, groaning as he rubbed his face in frustration.

"I thought --"

"I'm pregnant Cal," Michael cut him off, making Calum freeze in his spot. "Is it mine?" He asked quietly. "No," Michael answered simply. "It's Luke's."

"You're fucking lucky I can't punch you right now," Calum breathed, rubbing at his eyes roughly. "I -- I'm sorry," Michael whispered. "Luke tried to kill himself when I left the house yesterday and he fired m -- me . I told him I loved him and h -- he told me to leave," Michael sobbed.

Despite Michael hurting Calum and using him, he was still his best friend. So he wrapped his arms around Michael as he let out a choked sob. "Go talk to him, go get him back and see if he's okay," Calum whispered, his own words stabbing him in the heart roughly.

Michael nodded and sat up on Calum's bed. Now that Calum knew he was pregnant, he saw it. Michael's little tummy stuck out a bit more but it wasn't that noticeable. But Calum noticed it, he knew Michael's body better than his own. He slipped on his pants and struggled to button it slightly and pulled on his shirt and shoes.

Calum watched Michael change and admired his body silently. Michael finally turned to him with a small smile. Michael neared Calum and surprised the dark haired man with a tight hug.

"Thank you so much Cal, for everything," Michael breathed. "I love you," Michael said quietly, in a friendly manner of course. "I love you too," Calum whispered, giving Michael a gentle squeeze.

Michael kissed Calum's cheek softly before pulling away. They said their goodbyes and Michael was out the door with a determined look set on his face. He was going to go apologize to Luke. His mind was set and nothing could change his actions.

He walked down towards Old Paul's where he left his truck and plopped inside once he found his keys. Michael started his truck with a small sigh and glanced in the backseat, seeing a white stain on the backseat and snorted lightly.

Green Day began playing softly on the radio, making him smile slightly. "Hopefully this works out," he mumbled to himself and took a deep breath as he began making his way home.

The ride there was tense with Michael's thoughts. Would Luke accept his apology? Should he tell him he cheated? Does Luke even consider them a couple anymore? Michael swallowed a lump in his throat as he turned a corner. Maybe this wouldn't work out.

He decided to push his nervous thoughts away and continued driving home with a racing heart. Michael's heart began to race when he saw their house ahead of him and nervously parked in the driveway. He furrowed his eyebrows when he saw Liz's car was actually there.

Michel shakily walked towards the front door and unlocked it. He let out a deep breath as he walked into the kitchen and saw a cutting board with a few chopped vegetables on it, but the knife was on the ground. Luke's chair was in the kitchen as well, he wasn't in it.

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