7. Resistance

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"Hi," I greet an assistant, who halts her rapid typing to peer at me over her glasses, a glint of recognition and enthusiasm in her eyes. Handing her the piece of paper, I offer a smile, "I've got an appointment with Doctor Kent at ten, sorry I'm a little early."

"That's no problem at all, I'll just log your details in," she responds eagerly, taking the paper and swiftly inputting information into her system. I tap my fingertips restlessly on the desk as she finalises the details, her beaming smile indicating her readiness to assist. "There's a waiting lounge through there, Doctor Kent's office is just on the right. She's currently with another patient, running a bit over schedule, so we apologise for the delay."

"That's okay," I fib, because in truth, I'm eager to get out of here as soon as possible.

"Refreshments are available on the left, feel free to help yourself," she adds kindly.

I offer a genuine expression of gratitude, saying, "Thanks for your help," and extend my hand, introducing myself, "I'm Frankie."

"Oh! I know who you are!" She exclaims with excitement, shaking my hand. "I'm Lily!"

"It's good to meet you," I reply with another smile before bidding her a quick farewell and making my way past the desks into the waiting lounge.

I spend a few minutes waiting, but as the time ticks by and my appointment start time passes, I decide to get up and head to the refreshments corner. I grab a bottle of water and start to explore the room. There are little knickknacks, interesting decor, and homely art scattered around. In the bookcase, I notice a surprisingly large collection of erotica books wedged between psychology volumes. I glance back at Lily, who is engrossed in her work, and can't resist taking a closer look. I slide out one of the books and find myself holding "The Little Book Of Kama Sutra," which makes me question the type of therapy I am about to receive. It's either a joke, or Doctor Kent has some unconventional methods.

I suppress a chuckle as I notice some dog-eared bookmarks on various positions, but my amusement quickly turns to concern when I hear the office door swing open. I hastily hide the book behind my back and try to stay out of sight, but it's too late. Leah emerges, and even though a cap obscures her face, I recognise her instantly. Her eyes are glistening with tears.

My heart sinks at the sight, and I instinctively want to reach out to her, but before I can react, she takes a deep breath and walks away briskly, offering a hurried goodbye to Lily at the desk.

Panicking, I quickly shove the book back into a random spot on the shelf and abandon my water. I rush to the door, but by the time I reach it, Leah is already stepping into the lift, the doors sliding shut behind her. I watch helplessly as she disappears from view.

"Francesca?" A gentle voice calls out, and I turn to see Doctor Kent standing nearby. She's a stylish, pretty woman in her mid-40s, with an air of calm professionalism and a sympathetic smile on her face. Every part of me wants to run after Leah, but I feel rooted in place, torn between chasing after her and staying put, unsure of what to do next.

"Come on in, please," Doctor Kent says softly as she opens the door for me, and I've no option but to go through. "Sorry my last appointment ran a little over, I'm usually more prepared." She gestures to a lumpy, worn leather sofa, "Here, take a seat, I'll just get my other note book."

I notice the notebook she holds in her hands, filled with labels and tags that likely pertain to Leah. A part of me longs to delve into its contents, to understand her innermost thoughts, fears, and passions. In the past, I could just ask her, and she would openly share with that radiant smile and twinkling eyes. Now, I feel as though I'm trapped in a self-imposed confinement, relegated to observing her from a distance as she moves about freely.

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