Prologue - part 2

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Author's POV

"But how son, my mind is not working at all, this is too much for me" Mahnoor sat on a chair nearby and held her head in her hands. Examining the situation, Furqaan sahab suggested an idea...

"I have an idea"

"No need to give anymore ideas, you people have already slapped us in the face in front of everyone." Hishaam sahab retorted.

"Qazi sahab is waiting for us and people have started to snide about us. There is only one thing we can do to escape this embarrassing situation.................. Now Laila will be Shahmeer's bride"







They dropped a bombshell on Laila when he declared the new bride. Jamila stopped crying and give a look to Akram sahab like 'what should we do?' His eyes were wary searching for Laila's stupefied self.

Silence was the only noice there. Laila glanced at Shahmeer first who was fervent, then she looked at her baba who motioned his head to say 'come here' without uttering a word. She was compelled to go there. Sauntering her way, she sat on her knees in front of her baba

"Beta (daughter), I know this is amissful situation for you. I have never requested anything from you but for the sake of my reputation which his almost ruined by your sister, will you please marry Shahmeer? " His wistful eyes was enough to make her agree but she being obstinate, couldn't agree. Her tears started flowing uncontrollably. She held her father's hand tightly as her eyes widened in fear

"Baba, we will find some other way, Allah will help us, we can come out from this situation, but baba don't make me do this." Laila pleaded. Her pearl like tears flowed from her closed eyes and dropped on her father's palms. Just then her mother came behind her and placed her palms on Laila's shoulder

"Beta (daughter) , may be this is Allah's will. May be Allah has written Shahmeer in your destiny. We can not change our destiny. It is Allah how decides everything. This is the only way beta, you are well aware of the consequences if the nikah won't happen tonight"  Jamila persuaded her but she kept weeping without a noise.

Her father cupped her face to make her look up in his eyes and said
"If you don't want to agree, then it's alright, just kill me here because I can't face the society now" He finally emotionally blackmailed her which is the last attack of any Asian parent, because it always works.

It worked.

"Do you, Laila Akram Khan take Shahmeer Hishaam Malik as your wedded husband? " Qazi sahab asked me third and final time. I was quiet early two times,

but this time, I wistfully looked in my father's eyes noticing a single tear drop fall from his pleading  eyes, I closed my eyes and whispered.......

"Qubool hai"

To be continued...

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