Chapter - 3

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Guys, I'm making the base of the story complete in 1 or 2 chapters so we can proceed to the main story of the couple. Please bear with me. I'll try to reach the main part (the wedding scene) in the next chapter.


Author's POV

A big house full of kids running around, aunties gossiping with a cup of tea in one hand and a biscuit in another. Uncles's discussion of politics was never ending.

Young girls were practicing their dance steps and boys...... Well, they were the grocery boys, driver, navigator, coolie, butler, and many more.

Chilly day of November and the smell of tea filled the hall where in a corner, the BRIDE was sitting enjoying her last bachelor days with all her relatives and friends.

When the nth round of "chai" Was about to serve, Akram sahab and his family arrived. When his brother's gaze fell upon them, he along with his wife came, hugged them and welcome them in their house. They became delighted with their arrival.

"My goodness bhabhi, our little girl has turned into a beautiful young lady" Sumaiya complemented Humna and kissed her head.

Jawwad came running downstairs when he heard his father, "Jawwad, Bade abba is here"

Although both of them know, that 'who' he was waiting for.

When jawwad came in front of them, they were seated on one of the sofas, sipping on their tea. He started looking around in search of Laila but she was no where. He then greeted his elders and gave a fist bump to Humna. When several minutes passed, he couldn't wait and motioned his head looking at his mother to ask about where Laila was.

"Ummm bhabhi, Laila hasn't come?? " Sumaiya asked and Jawwad was attentively listening to them.

"Aahh, I forgot to tell you, she had exams that's why she couldn't come. She is currently residing at her friend's house. " Jamila told them and

A sound came..... The sound of breaking........ Heartbreaking .......

Humna noticed that Jawwad sulked then got up and left for his room.

Poor Jawwad. All his excitement went in a swish. He closed his door then sat on his chair which was placed in between of his bed and table. He then opened his drawer and took out a photo frame and looked at it without saying anything.

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He then took his notepad and started writing something in it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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