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Great, this day has been going great. You know, first the 5 hour long nausea inducing buss ride, then the angry pedestrians who threw bottles at me, and now I finally arrived, and I've got to say this made my dads old garage look good.

I mean, who would genuinely want to live here? I certainly didn't, but unlike everyone else here, I didn't have a choice. I couldn't exactly argue with my mum and dad after all the help they gave me, but this wasn't looking good on them. Don't get me wrong, I have amazing parents, but on the other hand I have a not-so-amazing social circle, and the thought of their daughter being a social outcast for the rest of her life made my parents hearts break. In theory, it was completely rational for them to send me somewhere else, just not here.

I could talk for hours about how horrible the place looked, but that would just be obvious stalling. I took a look at the barely readable sign that said, 'W- - Ic- me -o R-msh - -ckle', and I knew instantly that I was going to hate it here. I dreaded every step I took, because i didn't know where my trail would lead. I didn't have anywhere to stay. I was truly homeless, and if you've never been homeless, I don't suggest it. It's insanely scary; never knowing when you're going to eat, where to sleep, who's watching you, who's stealing from you, who cares for you? You're alone, and that was a feeling I hated. 

As I walked down the rocky path I encountered a crossroad. Hmm let's see what route to take. There was a sketchy alley, a sketchy alley and... oh wait! Another sketchy alley! 'Wow, I'm spoiled for choice,' I mumbled to myself as i took a few steps to the middle alley. Along the sides were houses tall enough to be turrets, and shoddy enough to be abandoned, but I heard screaming and shouting from above, so I assumed that they were inhabited by god knows which idiots. The sky was dim and grey, as if someone took a look at it and painted over with a shade of brown. The clouds looked as if they were going to rain at any second, but the sun was out so I figured that was just their  natural colour. Hell, even the birds looked depressed here. But surprisingly, there wasn't a person in sight, that was until I reached the end of the alley.

I ended up at a humongous square. 'So..this is where all the life went.' Sure it wasn't very 'picture-perfect', but it was better than anywhere I had seen until now. I dug into my pocket to double-check if my money had magically multiplied, but unfortunately I was still left with the crumpled 20 my parents had given me. Great. Just great. I decided to just accept it and create a plan. I listed the basics; food, sleep, job. Back home, I had a ukulele and a microphone to sing and do shows, but they broke and besides they were far too tiring to carry around so bringing them was out of the picture anyways. If I could just get my hand in a ukulele I could probably put on shows, I didn't even need a microphone. That settled the job. I saw about 3 food stalls in the area so once I had the sufficient money, I would start on that. And sleep... well it wasn't exactly cold out and I didn't mind sleeping out until I was able to get a tent or something. And just like that, my day didn't look so bad.

I wandered around the square, looking for some kind of music themed shop, but to my dismay, there was absolutely nothing. Now, i didn't want to have to do this but I decided there was no other way, so I started asking around. I thought surely, the people can't be as bad as the place right? Well, they were worse. Each one ruder than before, tough enough to beat me up but snobby enough to frown upon those who would beat me up. I had almost given up until I found a group of  2 kids who looked around my age. They didn't look quite as rude and/or snobby so I took a deep breath, and confidently walked over to them. 

I tapped the shoulder of the girl to the right. She had huge messy hair and dressed sort of like a pirate with a scrappy twist to it, if that made sense. She was about my height and honestly, I kind of saw a small resemblance between the two of us, that was before she turned around. She had scruffy brows and a round face, with had big brown eyes. 'Hey, um. I'm really sorry to disturb you, but you wouldn't know where I could buy a ukulele would you?' I timidly asked. Now it's not that I was often afraid or shy with people, but I really did not feel like being screamed at for the 10th time today, so I kept my tone as polite as possible.

'Oh!' The girl quickly answered. 'I know just the place, follow me!' 


Heyyy so that was chapter one :) not super sure what to say here but yeh thanks for reading and I will see you on the next page!

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