Where's the ukulele?

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No matter how many questions I asked (was the ukulele in good shape? What was the price? Where were you taking me?) my two leaders wouldn't tell me anything for reasons I couldn't even begin to explain. Always some excuse or other. But I couldn't care that much, I was about to get my happiness back, my previous only reason to live. I thought of how this boring, old town could use some music and fun, and I figured people would pay good to see it. Amidst my daydream, I hadn't realised we had arrived at our stop, probably because the 'spot' was the end of an alley. Over here there was a tent with string lights. It looked recently inhabited, so I assumed this was where  the kids slept. 

'Welcome to Casa Vinnie!' She announced, proving my earlier assumption "Wow, it's, uh... Nice." I told the girl, whose name was probably Vinnie. "Hey I'm sorry to rush all of this," I said to the two, " but I need to go back home to eat dinner in a few minutes and my parents hate it when I'm late." I had to come up with some kind of excuse. Otherwise, if the kids saw the ukulele as a way to make money (which they desperately needed by the look of this tent), they might not sell it at all.

"Oh yeh, that'll be a 20." She smiled at me. "B-but I've only got a 15?" I lied, hoping to save an extra 5 dollars for food and water. The girl's behaviour was immediately went from chirpy to serious. "Listen bud, don't start telling me lies. I saw you pull out that 20 earlier, so I'm just going to forget you just said that, mkay?" I straightened up like I was being told off by a teacher and quickly said, "20's fine." "Thought so." She replied.

Vinnie rushed inside the tent, followed by a lot of clamoring, and called out, " You can pay stone over there." Huh. Stone? I didn't see any rocks. Was she schizophrenic or something? Then, the boy to my left extended his hand and I came to the realisation that Stone was in fact not  an inanimate object. I kind of got a fright as he hadn't really been talking the whole time, and he seemed pretty passive smoking off to the side, so talking to him was previously not on my list of things to do. He was tall and insanely skinny. He smelled of cigarette smoke, alcohol and anything else you might find in your local trash can. Stone wore a grey turtleneck up to his neck, with a small gold pendant hung around his neck. His face was lean, and he had sunken eyes that were surrounded by purple and blue. I could've continued describing him, but his dark hair flopped over half of his face so I guess I'll never know how many eyes he had.

I dug into my pocket and said goodbye to my sweet, sweet 20 bucks and handed it over to Stone. He gave an half hearted cough, like he was signalling something, and Vinnie sprung out of the tent. "Well shit! I can't find our ukulele! What a shame. That'll be 20 for the troubles!" She announced. I stood there, dumbfounded at the whole situation, as I slowly connected the dots. Dammit, I'm such an idiot! "Hey listen, I'm going to be honest with you. I'm also homeless, so that 20 is kind of my life's savings, and I really, really, really need it. Please I am begging you." But the begging didn't get me far. The two just looked at each other and smirked.

I was screwed.I felt hopeless. I had just lost everything, and there was no way of getting my money back until now.

I threw away the 'niceness' act and picked up a shard of glass. I honestly didn't know how I was going to use it, but at least I had it just in case. Then, it seemed universe decided to send me a gift in the form of a short, friendly, ginger boy.

He came from behind me and probably didn't see the glass, which is why he walked in so carelessly. "Hey guys! Who are you talk- AAAAAAHHH!," Before he could finish his sentence, I grabbed his hair, tugged him towards me and held the shard to his neck. Now, before I continue telling this story, I would love to mention how much I hate violence. I am not a violent person, but I needed to do something. Without that 20, I would die. It would be a guaranteed death. I would not live to see the ugly clouds of Ramshackle tomorrow. You get the picture? I had to do something to save myself.

The poor guy was scared out of his mind. He was shaking, and his eyes watered up. "Okay, now here's what we're going to do." I told them with a sense of authority in my voice. "Any movement from any of you? I stab him. And don't even try to attack me, because it will result in the same outcome." For once, Vinnie and Stone didn't smirk or smile or mock. They were genuinely scared for their friend. "You are going to put the 20 on the ground, and I will take it. Until the money is in my possession, I will keep the glass where it is. Got that?" They shook their heads silently, and Stone brought out the 20. He advanced slowly and placed it on the ground in the middle of us, keeping his eyes on the hostage. As he was doing so, I whispered into the small boys ear, "Listen, I am so so sorry, and I desperately do not want to do this , but I don't think you understand how much I need that money." I would have continued apologising but it seemed that the first part of the transaction was done. Next, I slid my foot forward and dragged the money towards me. "On the count of 3, I'm going to give you this guy, and I will take the money. 1, 2" I didn't wait for 3. It was rational to be cautious of 2 phsycotic scammers, and they were planning anything I wasn't going to risk finding out what it was. I pushed the kid forward and he stumbled into his friends, where they all hugged, while I swiftly picked up my money. 

The brief moment of happiness where both parties were reunited with their stolen thing, was very short lived, and as soon as I saw Vinnie's raging eyes, the only words that came to my mind were, 'Oh, shit.'


Hiiiiiii you made it to the end of chapter 2 <3 how are u liking it? Again, I don't really know what to say here apart from the fact that I'm rlly happy to be doing this. It was always my dream to write something, and here I am :). Anyways thanks for reading and see you on the next page ✨✨

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