Oh shit

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I never thought of myself as fast, but boy can I sprint when I need to. When I was younger and I would do races with my friends, I would imagine that some scary monster was chasing me. In this scenario, I didn't have to imagine. Vinnie and Stone were running after me like cheetahs on a caffeine high. I swear I broke the world record of sprinting from one dead end alley to another. With no place for me to run anymore, the two caught up quick. 

Vinnie gave an out-of-breath laugh, and smiled at me. 'You may be fast, but you're also pretty stupid.' The two kept advancing towards me with daggers in their eyes. Looking back, I had just threatened to kill their friend, so I could see why they were angry, but I did not feel like dying that day. 'Now, let's see how much fun we can make this.' Vinnie said whilst balling her fists and gesturing for stone to come attack me first. Okay, this was okay. I trained for stuff like this. I just have to beet up a guy, not that hard. Wow, I was making a very shitty first impression.

Stone walked up and swung a fist at my face, which I swiftly dodged, and then he tried again, making that 2 misses. He was obviously getting irritated now. He pulled out a bottle of who knows what and lit it on fire. He flung it my way , but it only took a side step for the bottle to bypass me. Vinnie could see that her plan wasn't exactly working, so she stepped in. Great. A 2v1 against people who have lived on the streets long enough to know how to murder, after I've just given them around 20 reasons to kill me. Yeh the odds were not in my favour.

'Grab her arms Stone! Oh you are so dead, you little piece of shit.' Vinnie said, pacing around me and Stone as he managed to grab one hand. Unfortunately for him, I still had my other hand, and with it my elbow, which I used to hit his face most likely break his nose and shake him off for a while. He groaned and stumbled back. Vinnie gave a concerned look in his direction, then darted back to me, ready to tear me apart. We circled the area in sync, keeping our eyes locked, waiting for the other one to make the first move. All of a sudden, Vinnie decided to attack me by pulling out her knife and trying to stab me. "Woah what the hell!?" I screamed. She tried again but I kicked her shin and she yelled out in pain.  Vinnie muttered something under her breath and pounced on me again, and this time she punched me in my eye. I could feel the cut that she made on my cheek, as the blood dripped down my neck. I couldn't die like this. I got up with range and ran straight for her, knocking her over.  "Oh my God! Leave me alone! I don't want to fight you, please, I just wanted my money and I got it. Let's just, leave  eachother alone." I told her, panting and tired. For a moment I thought I had just verbally persuaded a stranger not to beat me up. I felt pretty damn powerful. Then she looked up at me, and gave me an unexpected smirk. "Nighty Night Bitch." And just like that I was out.

Hey hey heyyyyyyy! Sorry this is such a short chapter, but I felt like I couldn't lump this with anything else and I want to keep a frequent posting schedule, at least for a while until I can get the story rolling.

Can you guys let me know if you would like.....

(a) Jade detailed description (personality, physical traits, etc.)

(b) continue with story

Please let me know because I feel like I haven't given you a lot to imagine about Jade yet and it ruins a lot of the immersion. 

As always, thank you for reading and see you on the next page ......

Edit: thank you so much for 100 reads ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I'm literally gonna cry run 😭💕😭💕😭💕😭💕😭💕

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