The First Heist

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I take it back. I take everything I said about this whole situation being 'not so bad' back. I thought I could handle it, hell I thought I could outdo Vinnie! And there I was, standing in a shitty excuse of a park, shaking like crazy because around midway through this, a realisation occurred to me- I am not a thief! Sure, to you that must be evident, but I thought that being a thief was more on the lines of 'Robin Hood' and less blatant bitchiness to people who did nothing to me or frankly any of my new 'gang'. Ugh. 'Gang'. It still doesn't sound right to me, and every bone in my body told me to just run off, hop on the train and get far away from this place, but I also knew that with the hound dogs on my tail, there wasn't far that I could get.

I scanned the area for a susceptible victim, but we were in a park so that must mean that there were probably parents watching their children (or phones, as that was the more probable situation in this place ) and...not paying attention to their things. Man these guys were good.I walked around, pretending to be just a kid who's at the park with her siblings, and after a bit I found the perfect target. A woman on a bench, applying lipstick while looking into a pocket mirror, leaving all her things on the bench right beside her. Bingo. Now I just needed to find something to steal that would fit my quota, and I spotted a couple of coins. My part was done, now I just hoped that the others were as ready as I was.

I took a deep breath, walked over to the bench and scooped up the coins. The woman shouted, "SCRAP! THIEF! GIVE ME MY MONEY BACK!" grabbing everyone's attention, just as I planned. Many people got up and started throwing glass and rotting fruit from bins at me, as I ran into the alley, forcing everyone to follow along, and leaving their stuff all alone. I looked back and smiled at the number of people chasing me, knowing that my friends were happily collecting all the money left behind. I sprinted down an alley at which many hesitated to go further, leaving only a few angry people left for me to deal with. I climbed up a couple of stacked rubbish onto a high rooftop, losing more than half of the people on my tail. The end of the roof was nearing, and the  people behind me looked happy, sure that their chase was coming to an end. They would have never guessed what I would do next. I made an abrupt halt, and for a moment, there was silence and stillness. Then I jumped off the roof. Some people screamed, some laughed, some were confused, but I landed on a thrown out mattress and some softer rubbish, just as we had planned.

I met up with the others back at the tent, all of us looking pleased. "Not bad for your first," Vinnie told me, as Skipp gave me a thumbs up and a big smile. "Well," I replied while sitting down to count our winnings, "you guys aren't too shoddy yourselves." Vinnie, Skipp and 8 spent the rest of the evening discussing what we want to do with the money now, while Stone walked off to smoke. In the end, we found out we had stolen a 10, a half eaten sandwich, a really ugly purse and a gift card for some diner. "I want to have a buffet!" Vinnie said, laying on her back and licking her lips. "Me too," Skipp agreed. "If we use .... Wait, I never asked for your name!" Skipp said, pointing to me. "Oh, yeh, well my name's Jade." I told him. "Jade. If we use Jade's money, we can have a pretty good dinner tonight." I saw Vinnie getting excited and quickly told them, "Hey, guys, go have dinner without me, I need to go buy something. Keep the 10 and everything else, I don't mind, I just think that what I'm going to buy will help us all. The two looked intrigued but not intrigued enough to offer any food, so they let me go.

As I walked the dank, smelly streets of Ramshackle, the sun began to set, and for the first time since I came, this place looked ok. No fights, screaming, or mean people. This was when everyone went home, and when the streets are empty and quiet. I loved it. I turned a corner to the drug store, and spent my 20 on a make-shift medical kit. I knew that somehow one of us would get hurt, and I was deathly afraid of blood. I mean, throwing up, cringing, crying, the works. I figured with a medical kit, you could fix most blood related things, and that I truly loved.  All that was left in my hand after my little shopping spree were just 2 dollars, but I knew that the kit would be useful, so every coin spent was worth it in my eyes, although there was still one thing bugging me. My ukulele. 

I daydreamed about one day performing again, and I was so caught up that I didn't notice Stone right around the corner, and we collided with a crash. Stone got up, rubbing his head and swearing under his breath, and when he saw me, he got even more pissed off. That's when I got a good look at his nose. Yeh, not pretty. "You," he glared. "Get out of my way, I don't want to see you." He told me. I couldn't make enemies this quickly! "Hey I'm sorry, but didn't you knock me out? Wasn't that pay back enough? I am not wasting my energy convincing you to like me, but for gods sake please don't make my life hell out of spite." With that I moved around him and stormed off. What was his problem? It was a street fight! Of course we were going to get hurt. If he was going to be a sulky cry baby then that was his problem, not mine.

When I returned to the others there was a bag filled with a receipt and some crumbs next to Skipp and Vinnie, who were sound asleep. I sat down and organised my belongings, cleaned out the bag and put them in it. As I slumped down against the wall, I realised that I had just spent a whole day homeless and survived. I barely thought I would get a minute out here. I smiled and turned on my side to be more comfortable, the only thought in my head being, 'I survived,' then dosed off to a deep sleep.

Hi ❤️❤️

Thank u for 750!!!! And to all the people who saved  this to their libraries :)  

Thanks for reading and see you on the other page

Edit: sorry I'm being so awkward here I had too much coffeee and my brain wouldn't run properly 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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