The Matter At Hand

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I thought that I felt pain after blacking out. How naive, how stupid. Nothing could ever prepare me for A WHOLE HOUR of Skipp talking to me. You must be thinking, "Aw, Jade, it can't be that bad, can it?" And to that I say, "yes. Yes it can". Have you ever had termites? The things in your wood that always make noise and make it impossible to think ? It's that bad. Stone and Vinnie said that they lost something at the alley where I got beat up, and that left me with Skipp. I would've told him how sorry I was, but he made it impossible to talk. It was almost like he was avoiding me. All of a sudden, he stopped to take a breather as he had been talking for at least 20 minutes straight, which gave me time to quickly add in, "Hey, uhm. I'm really sorry I nearly killed you . I mean, you have to understand where I was coming from. Everything I had was in Vinnie's hands. I couldn't have just let it go. I'm not like that. If I go down, I go down fighting, you know?" Skipp just stared at me awkwardly and I suddenly realised why he was avoiding this conversation so much. I bet he just wanted to pretend it never happened so we can both get on with our lives, which I really respected. "Yeh, it's okay. Don't worry about it." He looked down for a moment, and then looked at me and smiled. Out of all the guys I could've threatened to kill, boy am I glad it was this one.

After that Skipp was a little less obsessive about the constant talking after that and he took a look at my battered eye. "Oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't notice your eye! Are you okay? Is there anything you need? Can you see? Are you-" "Whoa, Skipp, slow down bud, save some oxygen for the rest of the world okay?" I replied. I wasn't one for self pity and as much as much as I hated losing some of my vision, I hated the attention on my bruises more. "Sorry. Are you sure you're okay?" He asked, wide-eyed with worry. "Yeh, don't worry about it.  The blue wears off, I would know." As soon as I said that, I regretted it. With people like Skipp, you can barely say anything without being interrogated. "What does that mean?" He asked. Ah shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. What do I tell him? We had just got rid of the awkward feeling, I didn't want to be the one to bring it back. "Oh, you know, this isn't my first time with a black eye, that's all." I told him. This seemed to make him more curious. Did I mention I hated this kind of attention? 

I never thought I would be so happy to see Vinnie and Stone. "So, what did you lose?" I asked. "I forgot the name but it starts with nunya and ends with business." Vinnie shot me a look and I made a mental not never to ask Vinnie anything ever. "Got it." I told her. "So let's skip the small talk shit and get to the matter at hand." She said to her friends, looking me up and down. The three stared at me like a testing bunny.  Oh....boy. 

"What do you mean Vinnie?" Skipp asked. "What are we gonna do with her? Sure she can fight,  but how useful is she?" Vinnie replied. "Ouch," I said. "For one, I'm smart, a key component to stealing that you seem to lack." I smirked. "If you're so smart, I would suggest you keep your mouth shut." Vinnie glared at me, but I took no notice. "Secondly, as you said earlier, I can fight. Now let's say you steal something, and you mess up because, well, you're you, and you need someone to hold off the 'victim', and there I am." The way I was speaking, you would've thought it was my idea to join their group The three of them looked at eachother, and although Stone still looked pissed off at my existence, the other two looked sold on my thieving abilities.

Vinnie huffed, walked over to me and extended her arm. "Looks like you might not be so hopeless after all." I was a bit surprised at Vinnie's sudden change in attitude, and I knew she had to have some inferior motive, but I was simply happy that I would at least have a few people on my side. I shook her hand and smiled, "Glad I could convince you."

Maybe this wouldn't be so horrible after all.

Hi I have soooo much to say

First of all I'm so sorry I didn't update for so long but I mentioned how I am still in school and we had a shit ton of essays and tests this week so I had barely any time to do anything.

Secondly OH MY GOD 400 VIEWS?! I honestly didn't think I would continue this past the first chapter, and I'm so happy to continue writing this. It's such a fun break from life.

Lastly I'm sorry for the short chapter I promise longer ones in the future!

Thx for reading this and see you on the next page ❤️❤️❤️

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