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Hello! I just want to say thank you for clicking on my story to read!

So in any of the other stories I have done, I just went into the story without background information or anything, so I thought I shall do background info with this one Saying that let's do the background info on the main character!

ps this story will be in 3rd person point of view!

First Name - Y/N
Last name - Hatter
Age - 8
Parents names - unknown
From - y/c (your country name)

Hair color: y/h (your hair color)
Eye color: y/e (your eye color)
Outfit style: very decorative, full of color
Height: 5'2
(^I didn't know what to point so I just put my height.. yes I am 5'2, I'm short for my age ;-;^)
Hair length: to the shoulder
(^Of course you can have it whatever you want but that's just what I'm going with^)

^Any other info I missed or you need to know, just tell me and I will add it in here!^

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