We are all mad here!

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"Where am I?"

Y/N questioned, but no reply was given back because they were alone. They looked around, all they knew was they weren't in their homeland because now the sky was no longer blue; it was many colors, but never one color. Y/N got up from the grass and started walking with their little legs, wondering how to get out. Soon enough, they walked into a forest. They kept walking in the forest until a smile was shown in front of their face.


Y/N yelled out as they fell back on their rear, staring up at the smile until a cat appeared with the smile on their face. It was a purple cat that was floating in the air. The cat looked down.

"Haha! Oh sorry kiddo, didn't mean to scare you.. maybe I did, but why should it matter anymore! Anyways, you look new here, need some help? :D"

Y/N just looked at the purple cat and shook their head.

"No way! I don't want help from a creepy cat!"

Y/N was just annoyed; they got scared by a purple cat. Then, the cat spoke.

"Haha! Oh me? A creepy cat? No way! I'm just a purple cat! How could I ever be a creepy cat!"

Y/N disliked that laugh for sure.

"It's that laugh of yours that makes you creepy! And I already said I don't need your help!"

Y/N got up and walked in a random way, while the purple cat just smiled and followed in the shadow of Y/N. Y/N just kept walking in circles and was getting annoyed, until the cat appeared on the tree next to their left side.

"You sure you don't need my help?"

The cat smiled, and Y/N finally just gave up.

"Yes. I need your help."

The cat's smile got even wider, which creeped
Y/N out.

"Great! You just need to go that way!"

The cat's paws pointed in both directions, confusing Y/N.

"Which way?"

Then the cat's paw went up and down.

"That way!"

Y/N got even more confused.

"Which way!? You're not making sense! Just answer me like a normal person would! Unless you really are some crazy creepy cat!"

Even with those words, the cat still smiled.

"Kiddo, we are all mad here!.. well, I guess we are all almost mad :D"

Y/N just got upset.

"I knew it! You're just some crazy ca—"

Y/N got cut off by another voice.

Sorry for another short one! Would make it longer but I didn't have time and wanted to get this out before I forget!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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