Chapter 5

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“Did you want…to sleep with me?”Konig asked, his mind wandering back to her earlier question. His long legs shoved to his chest as he sat between her legs. She was perched on the edge of the tub, while he sat in front of her. She paused mid snip, letting the strands fall from her fingers. Taking the freshly cut hair and dropping it into the trash can beside them.
“You are a smart man King, surely you know the answer to that” She said softly, combing through another section, trimming off a few inches. He hummed softly, the vibration felt in her thighs. She had changed into a pair of his sweatpants, despite her comfort with her body. It just felt more appropriate. They were massive on her, the legs rolled up to even walk in.
“I thought you hated men?” He mused, earning an amused chuckle from her. But he knew better than to move his head, the amount of times she had snapped his head back straight taught him better when she was the one wielding scissors. He fiddled with the gunmetal gray balisong she gave him, twirling it between his fingers. Konig was an anxious creature by nature, constantly needing to move something somehow. Stimming was a second nature, releasing the pent up energy in one way or another.
“I do. But I don’t hate you” She smiled, ruffling his hair a bit before she patted his shoulder. Dusting the stray clippings from her arms and rolling up the cord on the clippers. Konig rose from his seat to look in the mirror, he had given her full control to cut it how she liked. It had been far too long since he took the time to cut it, running his fingers along  the top. The sides shaved down, fading into the long hair on top. Still long enough to pull into a small bun if he wanted too.
“I like it”
“Me too, I can pull it later” Skylar said off handed, pausing when she realized what came out of her mouth. Cursing herself for her lack of filter, Konig’s head slowly turned to look at her, a sly smirk gracing his feature. Just as surprised and amused at her slip up.
“Oh really?” He chuckled, dodging her playful swat at him with a boisterous laugh.
“Hush! Or I will take your tongue” She threatened with narrowed eyes,
“We can put that to use later if you want” He taunted, ducking out of the bathroom as she glared at him. Rolling her eyes at his antics,

“Careful there King, I like putting men on their knees”
“Oh by the way-” He said, poking his head back in the doorway. Skylar glanced up at him as she was putting away the tools she had used.
“Next time you wake up and wonder if we slept together, just remember….you’d feel it. I like to leave an impression” He grinned and disappeared into the kitchen, leaving her standing there. A light blush dusting her cheeks as she thought about what he said.

“I’m sure you do, big boy” She shook her head, mumbling to herself.

“If you are done wondering what my cock feels like, you want to eat?”His voice carried from the kitchen, his very words making her freeze. Looking in the mirror at herself, she was in the process of putting her hair up into a messy bun. Trying to get the long raven strands out of her way.

“Fuckin hell Konig”She rolled her eyes, seems he woke up in a good mood.
“Is that a no? Or do you want to think about it a little longer?” He mused, his rumbly chuckle meeting her through the wall. She couldn’t help but smile as his teasing as she walked out to join him. The fresh scent of coffee greeting her,
“You are full of piss and vinegar huh?”She looked up at him, his cock to the side as he looked over at her confused.

“It’s a sayin’. Like uh…full of yourself? Cocky, spirited, etcetera” She shrugged her shoulders.
“I am spirited yes” He poured her a cup of coffee, it smelt much different than what they generally had, a fully bodies scent.
“So….I just had to say I’d sleep with you and magically I get fed? Fuck I woulda said that months ago” She mused, bringing the ceramic to her lips, the steam swirling into her face as she leaned against the counter watching him bemused.
“Has it been months?” He asked, those icy blues pools looking at her with a darkened glint.
“Mhm” She hummed, not bothering to hide the fact she was admiring him. The man was walking perfection. Sculpted muscle beneath lightly tanned skin, decorated by intricate detailed ink. Shifting under taunt derma as he moved, the gentle curve of his spine disappeared beneath the waistband.
“I am not on the menu schatz”

“...says who?”

“I am”

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