Chapter 7

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“Remind me to throw those heels out when we get back” Skylar grumbled, lacing up her boots. Konig chuckled,
“Ja ja, you always say that then buy more” He rolled his eyes, leaning against the side of his truck. Arms crossed over his chest.
“Fair” Skylar said as she stood, it felt good to get changed out of her dress. Looking up at Konig as he returned her loving gaze. A low groan meeting them, drawing their attention to the man laying in the grass.
“Good morning sunshine!” Skylar gleamed, Chase slowly opened his eyes look at her. Confusion written over his face as he saw her outfit.
“We are going to play a game” She said, crouching down in front of him, head cocked to the side. Both her and Konig changed from their civilian attire, donning their uniforms. And the little cherry on top….NVG’s.
“You-”Skylar pointed at him as he scrambled back away from her. His eyes wide with fear,

“Are going to run, and we….are going to chase. If you can outrun us, you're free to go. If we catch you? Well… don’t want to find out” She explained, unable to stop the devilish smirk that pulled at her lips. Chase’s face paled instantly, frantic eyes darting around. They weren’t in the city anymore. There wasn’t a building in sight. A pitch black forest surrounding them. The little light there was, was from the near sliver of a moon hiding in the clouds.

“I’ll give you a 2 minute head start” She smirked, turning on heel to walk back to Konig who pushed off from the truck. Chase sat there like a deer in the headlights, no doubt trying to process the situtation. Skylar glanced over her shoulder at him,

“Laufen! Lauf, kleiner Hase!” Konig lunged forward, his voice echoing off the tree’s sending Chase scrambling to his feet Snapped from his dazed state of disbelief. Darting into the woods with panicked breath.
“60 seconds!” Skylar called after him laughing, looking at Konig who beamed his excitement. Rolling his head, his neck cracking under the motion.

“You are a psychopath” She shook her head unable to hide her grin,

“I prefer creative” He chuckled.
“I like it”

“Me to. Whoever catches him first wins”

“Wins what?”
“What do you want?”


“Very well maus. May the best hunter win”


Snapping their NVG down the pair took off, boots digging into freshly fallen leaves and dirt. The terrain was fairly flat, a few dips and depressions in the ground. The cold night air burning Skylar’s lungs as she veered left, straying from her partner. The varying shades of green meeting her view as she cleared fallen trees with ease. A trained predator. Silent and efficient. Her heart pumping copious amounts of dopamine through her blood. The thrill of the chase. A loud, stomach curdling howl from somewhere to her right egging her own. The sound bouncing off the trees, her tongue darting out to wet her lips.

The brush tugging at her long sleeves, briars catching on the fabric. Chase may have been a predator in his own ways, but she was in her element. He was on her territory now. And he was not very good prey, stumbling like a new fawn trying to find it’s legs for the first time. Loud and uncoordinated. He hadn’t made it as far as she had hoped he would have, his dark green form just ahead of her. Nearly tripping over a fallen tree.

Another loud howl echoed, closer this time. Much closer. She watched as his head snapped toward the sound. The man was in a full fledged panic, chest heaving for air as he tried to run from the pair and now…a wild animal. Just as his head snapped toward the direction, a much larger form came into view. Slamming into the smaller male, sending Chase flying through the air, sliding across the ground.

“Caught you. You aren’t very good at this huh?” Skylar mocked, coming to a stop as she flipped the NVG on top of her helmet to look down at the man. Pathetic. The fat tears rolling down his cheeks as he choked. The impact knocked the air from his lungs.
“Remind me not to be on the receiving end of that….sounds like you broke a few ribs” She said glancing at Konig, the man’s chest heaved. Konig was….terrifying. With his arachnid style NVG casting an eerie red glow over his face. He stalked forward, grabbing Chase by his collar and picking him up with little effort,

“You are a disgusting man” He snarled, Chase flinched away at his words, still attempting to catch his breath. Hands grabbing onto Konig’s wrist in a useless attempt to fight back..
“I-I didn’t know she was taken man! Don’t kill me please!” He begged,

“Taken? Is that what you are worried about?” Konig asked, a cruel dark laugh leaving his mouth at the insinuation.
“You are mistaken. But….you tried to hurt her. That? That I can not forgive” Konig sneered, his fist colliding with Chase’s diaphragm. Skylar was more than happy to stand on the sideline, watching the entire thing with a twisted sense of amusement. It was oddly arousing to see Konig handle this. The way his shoulders rounded over, the muscle bulging through his tac shirt. Flexing with raw power as he held Chase.

Chase sputtered a cough, wheezing for air as it was flushed from his lunge forcefully. His back slammed against the nearby tree, a strangled cry leaving his lips.
“She is mine” He growled, letting go of him. Chase fell to the ground without any attempt to stand. His mind in overdrive trying to wiggle his way from the two psychopaths in front of him.
“You know….we tried to give you a chance”Skylar said, drawing the M9 blade from its sheath on her belt, twirling it in her hand as she watched the blond. His eyes darting between her and the knife. Throat bobbing as he swallowed, mouth dry.

“Yet, you did it again. Only this time, it wasn’t as smooth. Next time…make sure your prey takes the shot instead of looking away” Skylar mused, pausing as the hilt of her blade met her palm again. Lunging forward to bury it in his shoulder. His scream meeting her ears, filling her with a sense of joy.

“Oh…wait…there won’t be a next time!” She laughed, watching as the man screamed and flailed. His back hitting the leaf litter as he kicked away. Putting as much space between himself and her.

“Want to know an interesting fact?” She said turning to take a few paces away from him, Konig stood quietly. His fingers flexing in his glove, clenching and relaxing.

“Did you know it takes about 4,000 newton of force to put a blade through bone?” She mused, humming softly in thought.
“That is around…800 pounds I think? Hey Konig?”
“Ja liebling?”He took a step forward, his eyes watching her with adoration. Seeing this side of her….was intoxicating. This animalistic side of her, the way her tongue darted out to wet her lip. Reminding him of a hungry wolf, licking his jawl in preparation of a meal.

“Wanna show our friend what that looks like?” Konig’s lips curled as he turned his head to lock onto Chase, his once blue button up covered in dirt and blood.
“I would love to” He took a step forward, Chase struggled to drag himself away. The amount of cortisol in his brain causing his actions to be sluggish. Freezing when he should have been fleeing. With slow, deliberate strides Konig approached him. Fisting the front of his shirt as he lifted him once more, pinning him against the tree.

“You should have ran harder” He clicked his tongue in distaste before his gloved fingers wrapped around the hilt, Chase tried to stutter out his plea. Only to be cut off by a stomach curdling scream of pure agony as Konig yanked the blade down. Cleanly slicing through the man’s already broken ribs, through the soft flesh of his stomach. Blood poured forth from the wound, his innards soon to follow as he gasped for air. His eyes wide in fear as he stared into the dark icy pools. The last thing he saw as his heart beat for the last time, the pure rage within Konig.

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