Chapter 6

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The next few days passed by without issue. Skylar and Soap making plans to go out again, despite what had happened. Brushing it off as a once in a lifetime experience. Konig still held a cold shoulder to them, but in a way he couldn’t fault them. 

“Hey babe!” Ruby bounced over to Skylar with a warm smile,
“Girl you scared the shit out of me!” She said, her hand over her heart. Skylar gave her a soft smile,
“I couldn’t handle my liquor, sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you. I haven’t had that happen before” Skylar explained, propping her head on her hand as she leaned against the bar.
“I have no idea who I called, but he was soooo mad.  Girl he tore into your friends” She swiftly mixed Skylar a dirty shirley and set it on the wooden top for her,
“Oh that was Konig. He’s a gentle giant” If hell were real, she was going. That was the biggest lie that ever fell from her lips, the man was a walking weapon. His hands had more blood than any tampon could ever dream of. She had watched him snap grown men in half while laughing. But Ruby didn’t need to know that.
“Giant is true. That man is…..”Ruby trailed off trying to think of a good way to describe him.
“Big? Mountain? Behemoth? Walking tree?”Skylar listed with a laugh, Ruby nodded along.
“Yes, yes, and yes. Good lord, I didn’t know people grew that tall”

“Me either till I met him”

The evening went by fairly well, it was filled with laughter and dancing. Soap and Gaz were long gone, lost in the group of women on the dancefloor.
“Oh hey! I remember you” A voice said from her left side, turning her attention from the dancefloor to the man. He was a bit taller than her, in a crisp light blue button up, fluffy blonde hair and dark brown eyes. Skylar looked at him confused, he seemed to pick up on her confusion.

“I ran into you a few days ago?” He chuckled trying to refresh her memory, shrugging her shoulders. Her hands smoothing over her short dress,

“I was probably shit faced” She said with a warm smile, the man leaned against the bar as he smiled back at her. Something about the man felt eerily familiar but she couldn’t place it.
“I’m Chase” He said holding out his hand, Skylar met it with a gentle grip.
“Laura” She said, he let go of her hand to flag down the bartender. Ruby was busy dealing with another group at the other end. A different man came up,

“Can I get two shots? Dealers choice” Chase said,

“Hope you don’t mind. But you're too pretty to not buy a drink” He said, his dark eyes trailing over her body shamelessly. With a playful laugh she shook her head,

“You're very forward aren’t you?” Skylar teased, tilting her head as she watched him. His finger tapping against the bar,

“Gotta shoot my shot right?” He teased back.

The bartender set the shots down, Chase handed him a few bills, nodding toward the dance floor.

“You here alone?” Chase asked, Skylar followed his gaze toward the sea of people.
“Might as well be, my friend’s probably already left with their dates for the night” She laughed, picking up one of the shots.
“Cheers” Chase said, tapping his glass to hers before he glanced toward the dancefloor again.

After a few minutes of conversation, Skylar put her hand on his arm getting his attention.
“I need some air. It’s….stuffy in here. You smoke?” She asked, her eyes glassy. He nodded and stood up offering her his arm which she happily took.
“You look like you’ve had a few” He teased, leading her toward the side door that lead outside.
“Maybe” She giggled, the cold night air meeting her skin as they stepped out into the alley. Away from the busy entrance, she fumbled in her purse for her pack of cigarettes. Plucking one from the pack to put between her red tinted lips,
“You got a light? I think I lost mine” She mumbled, Chase reached into his pocket to grab his lighter with a chuckle. The alley blocking the breeze, he cupped his hand around the lighter. The flame licking the end of the paper until it lit.

Taking a deep inhale she held it for a moment, glancing toward the man as he glanced toward the road in front of them. The dark alley behind them, it was quite. The loud music muffled by the thick brick wall. .
“Do you always have a habit of carrying Rohypnol?” She asked with a sweet smile, his head snapped to look at her.
“Excuse me?”

“You heard me” She said, taking another long drag of her cigarette. The cherry lighting up her features as he stared at her. Coming to stand in front of him, her heels crunking on the loose asphalt.
“How many women had you drugged hmm?” She mused, lips curling into a dark smirk. The man stumbled back away from her, but she followed him. Step for step.

“I-I don’t know what you're talking about” He said, pausing when his back hit a wall. Swallowing thickly, his eyes wide. Skylar flicked the ash from the end of her smoke,

“Funny. Cause  I do. I thought you looked familiar. You did bump into me a few nights ago, slipped a little special stuff into my drink” She said chuckling,
“Not very aware of your surroundings are you? You never noticed I didn’t take that shot earlier” She said, taking another drag before she dropped it to the concrete. Crushing it under her heel.

“You here alone?” Chase asked, Skylar followed his gaze toward the sea of people. In the split second that she looked away, he popped open a capsule he had fished from his pocket. Pouring it into the dark blue liquid.
“Might as well be, my friend’s probably already left with their dates for the night” She laughed, picking up one of the shots.
“Cheers” Chase said, tapping his glass to hers before he glanced toward the dancefloor again. As his eyes left her, she tossed the glass over her shoulder, bringing it lips right as he looked back at her. Giving the appearance she had downed it just as she had her earlier drinks. Wiping the drip of liquor from her bottom lip.

“Nor the fact you backed right into me” Konig’s voice spooked the man, he tried to bolt past Skylar only to be met with a strong arm around his throat. Yanking him back into his chest.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you. He is very….how should I put it?” Skylar pondered for a moment,
“Short fused” Her eyes darkened as she watched Chase struggled under Konig’s tightening grip. His lips parting in a silent cry. Fingers attempting to pry the larger man’s arm from his throat.
“Nacht-Nacht-Arschloch” Konig growled, tightening his grip until the man fell slack.

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