Prologue-Be Kind

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Eleven-year-old Miles Morales walked into his new class for the first time. After he moved from Puerto Rico to Brooklyn when his parents got married, he was put into Brooklyn Middle School.

He observed his surroundings carefully, finding the best place to sit. Most seats looked taken as groups of children gathered around certain areas so, he walked straight to the back of the classroom.

  On the left corner, there seemed to have an empty seat next to a girl with two long french braids. But, he changed his mind when the olive-skinned girl stared at him, making him feel a bit intimidated. So, he sat in one of the seats on the right corner.

Which just happened to be a bad choice.

Not too long after, Miles found himself surrounded by a group of boys, the boy in the center giving Miles a death glare. "You're sitting in my seat." The boy grumbled. Miles got up immediately, "I'm...I'm so sorry! I didn't know-"

The boy got closer to Miles. "You're new here, aren't you?" Miles shook like a leaf. "Y-yes! I am..." The boy pulled on Miles' sweater collar and brought Miles even closer. "You know what we do to newbies, newbie?" Miles didn't respond, he couldn't. "Oh, so you don't wanna talk, huh?" He pushed Miles to the floor. He was about to raise his hand at him when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

As he let go of Miles and turned around to see who it was, his face came in contact with the person's fist. He screamed as the person pinned him to the floor and kept punching him. What were his friends doing? Oh, just laughing at the fact that he let a girl beat him up.

"Ugh! Get off me, Robinson! I'll tell Miss!" The boy cried as he felt his lip start to bleed. She laughed and stopped punching him, "You know the teachers wouldn't care about you, right?" The girl got up and fixed her braids, "Touch him again, and i swear, Andre, you'll get more than a busted lip. Ya got that?" Andre nodded quickly as he backed away from the girl, still crying.

The girl walked away from him and went over to Miles, who was still on the floor. As he looked up, he saw the 'mean-looking' girl with braids in front of him, extending a hand to help him up. He nervously took it. The girl sighed, "I'm so sorry about Andre...he thinks he could treat people however he wants..." Miles just stared at her in awe.

"I hope you're not hurt or anything...are you?"

He kept staring.

The girl realized this and gave him a concerned look. "Dude, you good?"

Still in a trance, he replied slowly, "That...was...awesome...thank you-"

The girl shrugged, "Don't mention it! Someone needed to teach him a lesson anyways." "So, what's your name, newbie?"

That was when Miles shook out of his trance. "It's Miles...Miles Morales." He said in a heavy a Spanish accent, which the girl noticed immediately. "Oh, you're Spanish?" In which Miles nodded to. "Yeah, my mom is Puerto Rican."

The girl lit up with excitement. Finally, someone she can relate to! You'd think she'd have a few Spanish friends in NYC...or any at all. "My mama's from Columbia, I speak Spanish too!" "I'm Analiz Robinson, by the way!"

Analiz led Miles over to her seat, gesturing him to sit next to her. "Don't worry, nobody sits next to me." "Thank you..." Miles muttered, feeling ashamed that he didn't just ask her if he could sit by earlier. If he did, nothing would've happened.

For a few minutes, there was just silence between the two. That was until Miles opened his mouth. "Uhm...can we friends?" Analiz was a bit shocked. "Friends? With me?" The boy played with his curly afro, "I mean...I don't have any friends and you've been nice to me!"

Analiz looked away as she thought about it.

Was it allowed?

What would her father think?

She's never had a friend before, can she even handle one?

Especially at this point in her life?

She got out of her thought process and looked at Miles.

"Yeah...we can be best friends."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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