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Gyuvins POV:

Ricky the "love of my life" my amazing boyfriend was being really mean right now.

He was yelling at me that I didn't know the dance and because the comeback was soon I tried to understand where he was coming from but he was being so mean about it.

He was screaming at me no you can't do it and don't even take the time I'm done with this and walked out. Like my god

He was being such a baby.

After the hard day we all went back to the dorm and sat down to eat. I thought because the day was over Ricky would come and sit by me.

He normally sits on my lap but he sat by Hao and they were talking in Chinese and no one knew what they were talking about.

I let it go maybe he needed to cool off a bit more.

I went into our room for the night and saw how he just walked in and went to shower. Didn't think much of it.

I already showered before dinner so I just laid down in the bed that we shared.

We used to have two twin beds but because we only used one we decided to get a bigger bed so we would have more room to sleep and more room in the room its self.

He walked out looking beautiful as always. But he sat on the bed didn't look at me once and then put his phone down and went to bed.

Not talking to me not cuddling me not giving me a hug not even a kiss. Nothing. Didn't even look at me.

What did I do for him to be such an ass to me today. First I thought he was just stressed but if he was he would lay right by me but he wasn't.

So I hugged him myself.

He moved



He didn't want me to touch him.

Be by him

He just didn't want me.

It hurt. The love of my life didn't want me. We never fought like this ever.

I was stupid and tried to hug him again but he turned around and yelled at me

"Why the hell do you keep touching me stop I'm done with it".

He didn't realize how much that hurt.

Everything I did was for him. Everything. But now he is just sitting here yelling at me with no love.

What did I do?

So I asked why don't you like me? Why are you upset? Why are you yelling at me?

After I asked that he broke

He started sobbing.

I was shocked because Ricky doesn't cry he hates crying but right now he was sobbing and he couldn't stop.

I hugged him to calm him down as he just shook in my arms. What happened? Why is he is mess? Did I do this?

After a while he started to talk.

"I've been such an ass to you just because you fucked up the dance once. On the other hand I have messed it up 5 times. What is wrong with me why can't I do anything right? Why can't I dance? Is this why people and the company doesn't like me? Why did I yell at you? Why was I such an ass? I'm ruining our relationship just like how I fuck everything else in my life up. I'm sorry. I love you but I know you probably don't. I know I'm a fuck up im sorry. Why are you even with me I mean look at me"

He wanted to go on and I couldn't listen anymore so I kissed him to shut him up.

"Ricky I love you I always have and always will. We only have each other most of the time right? And you're not a fuck up you are the most beautiful and important thing in my life and you don't fuck it up. You make it better each and every day. I love you so much and the company is an ass so don't worry about what they think. But the fans they love you and if they don't they are crazy then. But don't talk bad about your self because it's not true".

He looked shocked that I said what I did

"You love me?"

Of course I did. How could I not. We did everything together slept, ate, danced, sang, kissed, and even fucke— ok you get the point but that was the thing of course I loved him he trusted me to do anything to him because I knew I wouldn't hurt him.

He trusted me at him most vulnerable times and there was so much more than I loved about him and I could've got on and on and on but I just wanted him to know that I was here for him and I always will be.

I kept taking and calming him down. Making sure he was ok and telling him I forgive him and forgot that he even yelled at me in the first place

All I cared about was if my boyfriend was ok and he was getting there. That's all that mattered.

He stated to fall asleep and I let him. His breath slowed as his eyes closed and he hugged me tight. Even if today was a bad day at least he is ok now.

And hopefully tomorrow will be better. He doesn't have anything to worry about because I will never judge him because
I love him!

The end
Sorry guys I dokt know where I was going with this one but I you like it.

Pls tell me some ideas I'm running out haha
Have a good day loves

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