First Aid - Smut - See A/N (Female!Reader)

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A/N: Alec calls you a Good Girl, Baby Girl, etc. If this peeks your interest, read on. He doesn't specifically use she/her pronouns, just feminine specific praises

Y/n's POV

I was now next in line as the guy in front of me walks away. I smile at the guy behind the concert merchandise table as I approach it from the furthest right end of the table. He still had his back to me, so I didn't say anything quite yet. He turned around, walking over to and handing the girl in the line beside me her shirt. Why is he wearing sunglasses and a hat indoors at night? I shook off the thought, trying not to judge him. "Hi, could I get that hoodie being displayed in the top right corner?" I request, pulling my card out of my wallet. "Sure thing," he chirps, before asking me what size, his voice sounding familiar. I just couldn't place it for some reason, racking my brain after telling him the proper one. He walks over to the shelves, looking around. His eyes land on the other guy helping him, using the step stool to get to the top shelf. He shakes his head, and then stands on his toes while he reaches for the hoodie I'm wanting. The stack shakes and before tumbling down. He turns to his right, trying to block the hoodies from landing on his face. Despite his efforts, his hat comes down over his eyes and knocks his sunglasses to the floor. He pushes the hat up, and I have to throw my hand over my mouth to keep from making a noise. It was Alec Benjamin. He quickly drops to the ground, grabbing his sunglasses. He shoves them back on to his face, and then quickly gathers up all of the hoodies and carries them over to me. His entire face was red as he dug through them and folded the ones that were the wrong size. "Are you okay?" I ask gently, now that I'd gotten over my shock I was a little worried about him. "Uh, yeah, why?" He stutters out, folding another hoodie. I lean closer and lower my voice, I didn't want anyone jumping him. "You just fell off the stage after putting on a three hour concert, and now you're out here running around and having giant stacks of hoodies land on your head," I whisper, and he drops the hoodie in his hand. "Y-You," He stutters, looking around nervously. "I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that saw you," I reassure him, "Now are you okay?" Alec keeps digging through the pile, grabbing up a hoodie before coming out from behind the table. He grabs my hand, pulling me off to who knows where. "If you saw me there's a good chance someone behind you saw me," Alec panics while handing me the hoodie and leading me towards a black door with two security guards. He pulls a badge out from under his shirt, and I gasp when I see blood under the collar of his shirt. I clutch the hoodie to my chest, still holding Alec's hand as he brings me backstage. We go down a long corridor, taking a couple turns before we go into a room with a couch, some snacks, and some water. "Did someone check you out after you fell?" I ask, watching him take his hat and sunglasses off. "No, I'm fine," Alec insists, wincing as he lowers his arms. "You're bleeding, or at least you were," I push, crossing my arms. Alec sits down on the couch, so I sit with him. "How did you land?" I ask him, pulling my phone out. I'd picked up some first aid tips over the years, so I had a basic idea as to what to look for. "I landed on the ground, but I hit my shoulder on an amp on the ground," he grunts, shifting a little. "Did you hit your head?" I ask, turning on the flashlight on my phone. "I mean, I guess," he fidgets a little, and I nod. "Look at the wall behind me," I instruct, and he does as I ask. His pupils dilate and restrict as they should as I carefully shined the light into them, so I put my phone down. "Is it okay if I touch you? I need to feel for any knots or dips on the back of your head," I request, and he nods his head yes. He didn't flinch, so that's a good sign. I lean forward, gently feeling the back of his head. There weren't any dips or knots where there weren't supposed to be, so I started pulling away. "You have beautiful eyes," Alec blurts out, making both of us turning red. "Uh, thank you," I stutter, pulling away from him," I don't think you have anything to worry about with your head, there's no physical signs and you seem pretty alert. I am worried about the blood, though. That's a good drop from the stage to the ground. I don't mean to be inappropriate, but," I stutter, trying not to be weird. "There's a first aid kit under the counter over there," Alec smiles at me, wincing as he points towards the counter covered in snacks. I get up and start checking the cabinets, finding it in the far left one. I turn back towards Alec, finding that he's already shirtless. I keep pushing myself forward, trying not to react. Alec's shoulder was pretty badly scraped, but it wasn't deep thankfully. I sat down behind him, looking at the scrapes on his back. The ones on his back were barely bleeding, so the one on his shoulder was the worst of it. "Seeing as you can move your shoulder and there's no swelling I think it's safe to say it isn't broken," I explain, opening the kit in my lap. "I'm going to clean the cuts out and bandage the one of your shoulder," I explain, getting the disinfectant out and a few cotton balls. Carefully, I soak the first cotton ball and gently rub it over the cuts on his back. Alec hisses, not that I blame him. "Sorry," I grimace, trying to hurry up what I was doing. Once I finish disinfecting his back I move to sit in front of him. I place the dirty cotton ball on the table, preparing the next one. "Stop me if it's too much," I mumble, giving him a second before I clean out his shoulder. Alec nods, so I lean closer to him, dabbing at the broken skin. Alec grabs my waist, hissing. "Do I need to stop?" I ask, pulling my hand away. "Uh, no, sorry," Alec stutters, starting to pull away. "If you need to hold on to me you can," I offer, and Alec nods before grabbing on to my waist again. I lean closer again, dabbing carefully. With each touch to the skin Alec pulls me closer to him. I throw the cotton ball on to the table with the other one, grabbing a giant band aid out of the box. I put the first aid kit to the side before unwrapping the band aid. As I place the band aid on his shoulder I put more pressure than I had been on him, which made Alec pull me even closer than before. I throw the pieces of wrapper on the table, and then turn back and place my hands on his upper arms. I smile at Alec, "There, all done." It was then that I realized how close we actually were. I was in his lap, straddling him as he held my waist. "Uh, Alec," I stutter, kind of freezing in place as I feel him pressing against me in a way a stranger shouldn't. "Sorry," Alec whispers, helping me get off of him, "I uh, I just realized I don't even know your name." I blush even more than before. I was in his lap, and he didn't even know my name. "Y/n," I respond, squeezing my legs together. I wanted to be back in his lap so bad. "Y/n, I know we just met, but can I kiss you?" Alec was almost begging, and to be honest, I needed him. I nodded my head, and his lips were on mine. There was a hunger in this kiss. It was like his life line. I kissed back, although it wasn't as passionate as Alec's kiss. "I saw you come in, I was helping at the merchandise booth," Alec gasps in between kisses, "and I watched you as much as I could during the show." I pull back here, "Am I the reason you fell off the stage?" Alec gently pushes the hair out of my face, "I should've been more careful, that's on me." I relax a little, placing a hand against Alec's cheek as I smile at him. "I don't want you thinking I only want your body, because I absolutely want to get to know you, but there's enough tension in this room to cut it with a knife," Alec chuckles nervously, placing a hand on my thigh. "Yes," I sigh in relief, leaning forward to connect our lips once more. Alec leans into it, grabbing the underside of my thighs to pull me back into his lap. I wrap my arms around his neck, trying to avoid where his shoulder was hurt. He pulls his lips from mine, grinning at me from ear to ear before attaching them to my pulse point. I bite my lip as he begins to alternate between gently suck and nibbling at the sensitive area. My jeans were too much, sticking to me almost as tightly as my underwear. I start rolling my hips against his, trying to find some sort of relief. My fingers tangle in Alec's hair, slightly pulling every time he pulls on the skin. Alec starts peppering kisses upwards until his nose nudges against my ear, "Fuck, Baby Girl, you're soaked all the way through your jeans." My face heats up and I cling tighter to Alec with each new word. The tighter I hold him the more prominent his hard on becomes. I can't help but to grind against him, earning a groan from the man underneath me. His hands travel ever so slightly upwards, towards my ass. "We have to hurry, someone could walk in at anytime," Alec gasps, massaging my ass with his hands. I throw my leg over him, settling on my knees next to him. Alec begins taking his pants off, so I copy his actions and begin undoing my own. My heart was pounding in my chest; my entire body radiating heat for so many different reasons, desire, anxiety, insecurity. "Oh, Baby Girl, I'm gonna take good care of you," Alec's voice was filled with wonder, passion, and so much desire. My pants were bunched at my knees as he rose to his knees, guiding me on to my back. Alec's good arm was being used to support himself on the back of the couch. He pauses for a moment, looking me in the eye before he touches me, "If at any point you want to stop we will. Do you still want this?" I nod furiously, biting me lip, "Yes, please." Alec nods, leaning down to connect our lips once more. I gasp as the tip of his calloused finger brushes against my entrance, moving up and down to seperate my lower lips. Alec gasped with me as his finger sank in, "You're so wet," He whined against my lips. His finger curled in just the right way, coaxing a whine out of me. Alec pumped his finger in and out a few times, and then slipped in a second. "You're being such a good girl for me," Alec chuckled, his voice dropping a few octaves as he struggled to keep his voice down. I bite my lip, a moan threatening to escape my lips. He curled his fingers into that beautiful spot once again, making my eyes cross and my jaw drop. "You look so pretty like this," He praises, slowly thrusting his fingers over and over into that glorious g-spot. My eyes rolled back, Alec's kiss swallowing every sound trying to spill from my lips. He curled and thrusted, massaging my walls to clear away any tension or sanity I could've been holding. My body was heating up, my own orgasm becoming closer and closer with each delicious stroke of his fingers. "A-Alec, please," I whisper, my voice broken down by his magical talents, "I need you." He complied with my begs. Much to my dismay, Alec pulls his fingers out of me. He sits up on is heels, catching his lip between his teeth as he smirks as he admires my wetness covering his two fingers. I nearly moan as he sticks his fingers in his mouth, cleaning away my mess. My head was too foggy for me to react, not that it mattered to Alec as he grinned and hummed before pulling his freshy saliva covered fingers out of his mouth. "As much as I'd love to watch you cum until you can't anymore, we don't have time for that. I have to make sure you get at least one good one in before we run out of time," Alec concluded, hooking my legs over his good arm. He guides his tip towards my soaking entrance, looking me in the eye as he waits for my approval. I nod, squirming as I try to push myself against him. Alec beats me to it once he sees just how eager I am, pulling me onto him. My eyes cross and head begins to spin, feeling every vein and each throb. He was perfect. I knew what it meant to see stars. "T-Tell me when I can," Alec gasps, his body tense and twitching as he attempted to hold still. I cut him off, too desperate to care about the consequences, "Move." Alec didn't need to be told twice. He pulled out until I thought he was going to completely leave me, and then he sank as deep as he could inside me. I grabbed the hoodie from above me, bringing it to my face so I could bite into it. Each thrust came harder and faster than the last, driving me closer and closer to insanity. The room began to spin, and I couldn't find anything to hold on to. Then, without warning to either one of us, I came, and Alec didn't stop. My entire body became sensitive, my own fluids began to soak where Alec and I were conjoined. Alec kept thrusting, almost seeming to double his efforts as I convulsed around him. "Such a good girl cumming around me," He softly moaned, using his free hand to find my clit. I moaned into the hoodie, arching my back. I could feel myself approaching another orgasm. I started thrusting my hips with his, chasing the high. "I want you to fucking cum for me, Baby Girl," Alec commanded, and I was done for. I came harder this time, my entire body was overly sensitive, but Alec didn't let me go. He held my hips to his, his thrusts unorganized and chaotic now as he grunted and moaned. My body gave out, and so did his. We slumped back against the couch, panting heavily. 

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