Cover Girl - Angst/Fluff - She/Her (Female! Reader)

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A/N: This is based off of a dream I had. It was just a random girl named Kaitlyn who was famous, but the only famous Kaitlyn's I know are Katelyn Nacon and Caitlyn Jenner, so I went with Katelyn Nacon. I know nothing about her as of right now, but I do remember her from The Walking Dead before Carl died. I loved her as a person then, so I have no hate towards her. I just needed her as a stand in for the random girl in my dream/this imagine

Y/n's POV

My foot is bouncing as I sit on the bed, paper crinkling underneath me, head in my hands as I wait for the doctor to come in. Now is not the time. We've only been together for a little over a year, and he's about to start his world tour. What are his fans going to say? They don't even know about me. Would we even tell his fans? I mean, they think he and Katelyn Nacon are together. Someone knocks on the door, making me jump. "Come in," I gulp, and the door opens. "I'm not sure if congratulations are in order, but the test did come back positive," She explains, closing the door behind her. I hang my head again, trying to breathe. She takes me for an ultrasound, the sonographer trying to be peppy with me. I try to be polite, but it's hard. I can barely pay attention to the screen, completely engulfed in my panic. Before I know it I'm back in the little sterile room, ultrasound photos in hand. The doctor comes back in one last time, "Alright, it looks like you're six weeks and five days along. Baby is perfectly healthy from what we can tell, so we shouldn't need you back for another month. Uh, you will need to have your blood drawn before you leave, though. Just the standard first trimester tests, checking for chromosomal abnormalities, and we can check the gender now through the blood draw if you'd like." 

I send Alec another text message, highlighting just how important it is for us to talk in person before he leaves tomorrow before telling him that I'm at his record studio. Adam, the guy at the desk in the lobby, gives me a visitor's badge let's me know what conference room Alec was in before letting me through. I keep checking my phone every few steps, and sticking my hand in my pocket right after to make sure I haven't dropped any of the ultrasound photos. My stomach sits in my throat, my mind running a million miles a minute. I approach the conference room, flashing the new security guard my badge before I reach for the door. "Only authorized personnel can enter this room," She blocked me, and I roll my eyes. "Alec is my boyfriend, Greg allows me in," I inform her, but she moves further in my way. "I said authorized personnel only," Her tone becomes even more firm. "I said I am authorized personnel," My tone matches her now, "Check your little book, Y/n L/n." Her face hardens, "I will not be checking anything. If you're going to be aggressive then I will carry you out of this building." By this point we'd caught the attention of everyone in the room I was trying to get into. "Y/n? Baby, are you okay?" Alec was clearly worried, my tear stained face was the first thing he saw as he opened the door. "Alec, you need to get back inside, this woman is being aggressive," The bodyguard directed him, but he was trying to push past her, "No, I need to check on my girlfriend." Alec reaches under her arm, trying to grab my hand. I reach out, but before I can even touch him she shoves me into the wall behind me. Things moved quickly here. More security guards are called as Alec is yelling for me, and then I'm dumped outside of the record studio. Pete, one of the security guards who I see every time I meet Alec for lunch, approaches the front door. "What are you doing out here?" He asks me, sitting down next to me. "Alec's new guard had me thrown out," I sigh, wiping my tears. "You mean Helen. Yeah, she's on a power trip. I give it another week, tops. She had a new singer thrown out yesterday because she didn't recognize him," Pete laughs, "Lover boy will have you back in there by the end of the day." I smile at him, tears still falling, "I hope so, I really need to talk to him." Pete hands me the grey and white photo, "I can tell. This fell out of your pocket." I take it from him, shoving it away before paparazzi can see it, counting to make sure none of the others had fallen out before relaxing. "Excuse me," a familiar voice rudely snipped, and I pull my hand off of the step just in time to avoid Katelyn stepping on it. "Watch it, Nacon," Pete snapped at her. "Thank you for everything, I think I'm gonna go home for now," I give him a quick hug, and then he bids me farewell. 

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