Surprise of a Lifetime - Fluff - Any

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A/N: I couldn't find any up to date information for most of Alec's team, so I just did my best with old information. He is a really private person, which is hard to do when your famous. Good for him for holding those boundaries!

Also, the reader has pretty bad social anxiety during this.

Y/n's POV

I'd somehow lucked out and won a contest for a VIP experience with Alec Benjamin. I was given a hotel and was given transportation to New York where I would get to start the day by watching Alec get the final details for his tour before his first show tonight. After we leave the studio we'd be going to lunch, and then a photoshoot, where I'd also get a few pictures taken with him.  We would go out for dinner before we'd separate for a few hours, so we could shower and then get ready for the first concert of the tour. I would be in the pit with security, and then after the show we would hang out backstage.

My hands shake as this guy guides me into the studio. I'd already forgotten his name, which honestly made me feel guilty, but I was so nervous I had forgotten my own when he'd asked me when I came in. He stops in front of a plain black door with a silver handle with a matching name plate labeled 'Studio #3.' I slowly draw in a breath as this guy knocks on the studio door, releasing it slowly as the door opens. An older man of Asian descent opened the door, gesturing for us to come in quietly after the guy I'd followed back held up the pass he'd printed out after confirming my identity. However instead of us going in the guy handed me the pass and gestured for me to enter on my own. The older man smiled kindly at me, tapping his name tag to introduce himself. I took a moment to read it, Glenn Fukushima, before I smiled back. Alec's beautiful voice filled the room as I stepped through the doorway. He was in the actual studio while we; Glenn, a woman sitting at the control desk, a fashionable looking man, and I; were all in the control room. Alec had his eyes closed as he sang his heart out to one of his more well known songs, "Water Fountain." I mouthed along to the words, trying to fight the urge to sing along. The room had two couches against the walls, and since everyone else was sitting I felt it would be less awkward for me to sit with them. A man I hadn't noticed before came up and offered me a bottle of water, I mouth the words 'Thank you' as I accepted it. He walks away after a polite nod, and I wasn't sure if I was supposed to tip him or not. I open the water, taking a small sip as I look back up to Alec, who'd abruptly stopped singing. Our eyes immediately locked, which made me realize my presence had caused this. I freeze in my spot, unsure as to what to do. He takes the headphones off of his head, hanging them up on the stand in front of them before he gets off of the stool. I quickly put a lid on the water bottle before I spill it as I watch Alec come out of the recording studio and start making his way over to me. Everyone in the room begins to stand up, so I do to. "Alec, this is Y/n," Glenn introduces, and before I have a chance to say anything he's coming in for a hug. I, of course, hug back. As he's pulling away my nerves fade a bit. "Sorry, I should've asked first," He chuckles nervously, tousling his hair as he steps back. "You're fine, I promise," I respond coolly despite my racing heart. "Shall we move to the conference room?" Glenn suggests. "Oh, yeah, probably," Alec agrees, moving towards the door. I follow behind him, smiling at the guy who gave me my water as I pass him. "Am I supposed to tip him?" I try to ask anyone discreetly. "You can if you'd like, but everyone usually just gives him a pretty big cash present at the end of the year," Alec explains, and I relax since I didn't bring any cash. We head out into the hall, stepping to the side so Glenn and the others could come out. Glenn led everyone down the hallway to the right of the door, everyone moving silently through the corridor. It didn't take us long to get to the conference room. Glenn and the other guy I assume to be Alec's wardrobe guy sat on one side of the table, then the teams' assistant stood next to this table full of refreshments. Alec gently tugged on my jacket sleeve, guiding me to sit next to him on the opposite side of the table from the two men. Glenn turns on a projector and connects a laptop, presenting a slideshow. "Alright, we have all seven continents to hit. Tonight marks the start of the American leg of the tour, and we'll be covering each leg of the tour right beforehand," Glenn explains, and then he flips to the next slide that shows a ton of tour dates. "We'll be hitting every state at least once, and the larger states, except Alaska, twice. We will take a break in your hometown, the tour date is pretty close to your mom's birthday, so we thought it best to schedule the small break then," He continues, and then he looks back to Alec. "Any questions so far?" "I thought this would be just a few months, how long is this tour going to be?" Alec was flabbergasted, and I was too. Nobody knew this was going to be more than an American tour. "A little over a year if things go to plan," Glenn nods, and then goes to the next slide. "This is your set list. We'll start with your biggest hits everyone requests, and then just go straight down the way the songs were put on the album. We've been practicing this set list for about a month now, so you should remember by now, but just in case we will tape it to the stage and we will also have it hung up in your dressing room and right outside each stage entrance," He finishes before leaning back in his chair. "Good morning, we haven't officially met yet. I'm Lorenzo," The other guy introduces before pulling a garment bag out from under the table. "I will be your and your band's stylist for this tour. I have previewed some clips from your past performances, and it appears that your shows are very welcoming and homey, for a lack of better term," He explains, opening the bag, "Jeans, hoodies, and t-shirts, will be a staple part of your wardrobe." Lorenzo goes quiet, allowing for Alec to ask any questions. "How often will I be changing during each show?" Alec asks, picking at the aglet on his shoe. "When you start sweating or if a certain song is expressed in some of your merchandise," He smiles, although it made me wonder why he wasn't told sooner. "Alright," Glenn starts, "I believe that's everything. Alec, don't forget about the dress rehearsal before the show tonight. Y/n, you'll be picked up from your hotel tonight at 5:00 so we can get you through security and get your badge before the show." I nod, "I"ll be sure to be ready, thank you."

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