Music Video - Fluff/Smut - She/Her (Female!Reader)

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A/N: I think it's very important for intimacy coordinators to be involved in all productions that require anything intimate. However, I only found articles that spoke as if it was a requirement, and more that made it clear they were just a suggestion. From my limited research I believe that they are almost always used in larger productions, such as TV shows and movies, but I don't think they're as common in music videos. I saw nothing about plays.

Y/n's POV

My foot was drumming against the foot rest as the makeup artist did her magic. I could hear Alec strumming away on set. He was remaking some of his old music videos, and I was cast in "Book of You and I" as his girlfriend. I had already been through wardrobe, and now I was almost done with hair and makeup. They were waiting for me on set. "Do you remember the itinerary?" Someone asked me, he never introduced himself. I hesitated, "I know we're shooting the scene where he's on stage, and I'm watching him first. I think Alec has already filmed the scene where he's in that room with the orange chair, right?" I ask, and the guy nods his head yes, "Then, we're going outside for the train tracks scene. Um, I can't remember if the tree scene or if the meadow scene is next, but I do remember that the scenes in the backseat are shot last since they're being done at night." He nods again, "The meadow scene is after the tracks so that the tree will keep the sun out of your and Alec's eyes." I wanted to nod along, but they were putting on the final touches of my make up. "Close your eyes," My makeup artist instructed, so I did as he said. Then, he sprayed me with some sort of mist I assume was setting spray. I hear a can hit the vanity, and he exclaimed that he was done before ripping off my apron. The guy who was keeping up with me pulled me out of my chair, and towards the door. I was tripping over my own two feet trying to keep up. He pulled me this way, and that way, and then this way again, then that way again, and then we finally stopped. Alec was sitting on a stool on a circular stage, chatting with his manager, Greg. "She's ready!" The guy chirps, but when they see how he's holding me their jaws drop. "Let go of her, what is wrong with you?" Greg snaps, he and Alec dropping their things to come over to me. Alec guides me one way as Greg drags that guy in another. "Are you okay?" He asks, looking at my arm. "Yeah, I'm okay," I promise him, my heart racing as Alec continues to check over me. I let out a nervous giggle, "Alec, I'm okay, I promise." He nods before letting me go, "We uh, we should probably get to filming." Greg walks over to us, clearly pissed off, "I'm sorry about Jerry, but he will not be an issue again. If you're ready, we would like to begin filming." I nod, looking around the room to figure out where my spot is. "Just point me in the right direction and I'll be ready," I joke, which thankfully breaks the tension. Greg shows me to the table in the center, the chair marked with green tape. I thank him and take my place, watching as Alec sets himself up with his guitar. "Alright, we're going to be filming the entire song here. We'll be filming at several different angles, but pretend the cameras aren't even here. Alec, you're pouring your heart out to her, begging her not to leave you. Y/n, you feel like you've exhausted yourself trying to make this work, but you still love him and don't want to leave him. And, Action!" The director chirps. The second he calls for action I put on this uncomfortable, longing look on my face. Alec begins to sing this song to me, and it takes everything in me not to sing along or melt in my spot. I let it show that I'm trying not to melt, keep the emotions vivid for the cameras. I never let my eyes wander from Alec, occasionally fidgeting either with my hair or fingers so I didn't seem stiff in front of the camera. I let my face soften as the song went on, slowly moving from grief to regret. The last cord rang out as a camera moved in on my face, and the director called cut. I dropped the act after the camera pulls away, letting my smile take over my face. I clasped my hands together to keep from actually clapping, making Alec laugh. "Did you enjoy the private concert?" He jokes, and I can't help but to giggle. "Well, you're famous for a reason," I retort, making his face go red as he smiles from ear to ear. "We are on a tight schedule, so let's head on outside to the train tracks. We already have the cameras set up out there," the director instructs, so I jump up and start following the camera men outside. Someone appears beside me in a white hoodie, and I look over to find Alec. He smiles at me, and I smile at him. He seems nervous, but I can't really ask him about it since I'd only met him today, so I look down at my feet and follow everyone to the preset up cameras. Alec and I stand by the director, waiting for instructions. "Which music video are you redoing next?" I ask him, still looking at my feet. "Uh, I think 'Mind is a Prison,'" He stutters out, shifting from one foot to the other. "Are you doing the same concept this time? I think the last one gave a lot of people anxiety," I ask, and he shrugs. "I'm not sure, we haven't talked about it yet," He responds, but before I can say anything else the director turns towards us. "This is pretty easy, the two of you will be walking along these tracks acting like a couple. Holding hands, laughing together, talking, goofing around. You'll start at this board," He points to a board that's in front of a two board gap, "and continue until we reach the meadow." Alec and I walk over to the starting point, but someone from wardrobe walks over to us. "Alec, just remove your hoodie, Y/n, take off your flannel and put on his hoodie," She instructs, so I shrug off my flannel as Alec pulls off his hoodie. I hand her my flannel, and then Alec passes me his hoodie. I pull it on, and then the guy who was doing my hair and makeup comes over to me and fixes my hair with a comb. It doesn't take long before he runs back off, and then the cameramen take their positions. "Ready, and, action!" Alec and I start walking down the train tracks, our fingers brushing together. "Do you think they're listening to whatever we say?" I ask, gently nudging him with my shoulder. "They're far enough away they probably can't hear us if we keep our voices down, why?" He responds, but he's trying to mask his confusion as he slips his hand into mine. "Do I make you nervous?" I ask, leaning my head against his arm. "Yes, but not for why you think. I'm worried about making you uncomfortable, especially during the car scenes," He sighs. "Show a little more passion and playfulness!" The director calls out. Alec stops, spinning me to face him before he grabs my waist. I can't help but to laugh as he picks me up and starts spinning me around. I wrap my arms around his neck, pressing my cheek against his to try to hide my blush. Alec slows down, placing me back on my feet as he tries to steady us both. I still hadn't stopped giggling as he steps back. I slide my hands down to his chest, his still at my waist. "You haven't made me uncomfortable, and I know what I signed up for. I watched the music video before call backs, so I knew what was going on," I assure him as we start walking again. We link hands again, stumbling as he accidentally bumps into me. I playfully shove him back, and he lets out a nervous laugh as he stumbles before gently shoving me again. I stumble with a laugh, shoving him a tiny bit harder than last time. He lets go of my hand, pretending like he was going to fall before he actually tripped over the metal track. I gasp, running over to him. "Are you okay?" I ask, kneeling down beside him. Alec shakes a few leaves out of his hair, smiling at me. "I'm okay, it just caught me by surprise," He promises me. I offer him a hand to help him up, but instead of accepting the help he pulls me down with him. Alec rolls us over, leaning really close so it would look like we're kissing. "I know you said you knew what you were signing up for, but how comfortable you are with it going forward can change at anytime," he whispers before pulling back and sitting on his heels. I smile up at him, sitting up. He knew I couldn't respond right now, not with cameras this close. We laugh at each other, getting up to get back on the track. We start walking again, this time his arm was around my shoulders as I had mine around his waist. "I can promise you that it won't change," I assure him, leaning my head against him. The meadow and car start coming into view, and Alec tenses under my touch. "Alec, are you uncomfortable about doing any of this?" I ask him, but he doesn't say anything. My heart breaks a little, but I don't let my facial expression falter. This is just a gig, you knew this wasn't real coming into this. Don't let your real feelings mess up your fake ones, I remind myself as the director yells cut and we stop at the cameras already set up at the park. Alec pulls away from me and I wrap my arms around myself. I felt cold without him around me. I look up at him, pretending to be blinded by the sun so he didn't know I was actually upset, "You don't have to actually touch me if you aren't comfortable. Just get really close like you did for the fake kiss," I offer, and he nods as he looks away from me. The director approaches us, looking confused, "I don't know what happened between that scene ending and now, but the chemistry between the two of you has disappeared," He looks between us, squinting from the sun in his eyes. I look over at Alec, but he's refusing to look at me. "Ah, I see. Well, take a break while we adjust the cameras for lighting and have lunch," He snickers before walking away.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23 ⏰

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