iii. 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐞

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TW! escalating violence

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Billie helped me settle in.

It was a big school, and there was a lot going on. She showed me the classrooms for all the different subjects and took me from one lesson to the next, introducing me to all the teachers. I tried not to be too clingy and weigh her down, but she said that she was actually happy to keep me company. My heart soared like never before. Billie was kind and generous, two qualities you didn't often come across where I came from.

When the bell rang to mark the end of class, we left the classroom together and she looped a long, leather strap around her neck, then shook her curly hair loose.

"Is that a camera?" Curious, I inspected the object that was now dangling from her neck, and her face lit up.

"It's a Polaroid! Haven't you seen one before? My folks gave me this one ages ago. I love photography, my bedroom's covered in photos! Grandma says that I've got to stop cluttering the walls, but every time I find her whistling while dusting them and she always ends up forgetting what she said."

I was trying to keep up with her chattering and, at the same time, trying not to bump into other people. I wasn't used to such bustling crowds, but Billie seemed oblivious – she kept rattling on, bumping into people all over the place.

"I like taking photos of people, it's interesting to see their facial expressions immortalised on film. Miki always hides her face when I try to take her photo. She's so pretty, it's a shame, but she doesn't like it. Oh, look, there she is! Over there!" She waved euphorically. "Miki!"

I tried to catch a glimpse of this mysterious friend who she'd been telling me about all morning, but I didn't have time before she started dragging me through the crowd by the strap of my backpack.

"Come, Lele! Come and meet her!"

I awkwardly tried to follow her, but just ended up getting under her feet.

"Oh, you'll really like her, just you wait!" she declared excitedly. "Miki is really so sweet, and so sensitive! Have I already said she's my best friend?"

I tried to nod, but Billie gave me another yank to get me to move. After we'd finally barged most of the way through the crowd to her friend, she ran the final stretch and did a little leap in front of her.

"Hey there!" she trilled. "How was class? Did you have gym? This is Lele!"

She pushed me forward, and I almost ended up slamming my nose into an open locker.

A hand appeared on the metal and pushed it away.

Sweet, Billie had said. I prepared a smile.

In front of me was a girl with an attractive, slightly pointy, heavily makeup face and thick black hair. She was wearing a baggy hoodie and had a piercing on her left eyebrow. She was chewing gum.

Miki looked me up and down indifferently, then hitched up the strap of her backpack and slammed the locker shut, making me jump. She turned her back on us and headed down the corridor.

"Oh, don't worry, she's not always like this," Billie chirped, as I stood rooted to the spot and staring. "Making new friends isn't her strong suit. But deep down she's a big softie!"

I looked at her, slightly scared, but she dismissed my concerns, encouraging me to carry on. We headed through the chaos of students, and when we got to the exit, Miki was there watching the shadows of clouds dancing on the asphalt yard, smoking a cigarette and looking deep in thought.

"What a beautiful day!" Billie sighed gleefully, drumming her fingers on her camera. "Where do you live, Lele? My grandma can give you a lift home, if you want. She's making meatballs for dinner tonight, and Miki's coming over." She turned to face her. "You are coming over, right?"

She nodded unenthusiastically, taking a drag of her cigarette, and Billie smiled happily.

"So? Are you coming with–"

She was interrupted by someone running into her.

𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐏𝐏𝐎 𝐃𝐎𝐋𝐂𝐄; rigel wildeWhere stories live. Discover now