vi. 𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬

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TW! Rigel being an ass

ཐིཋྀ . ˚ ᡣ𐭩‧₊˚⋅ ✭ ₊˚⊹

"Did you forget already?" He asked, slowly.

"What?" My voice came out a little above a whisper.

"You belong," He grabbed my waist, harshly placing me against the wall, one hand pinning my wrists above my head. "to me."

A soft moan escaped my lips as he slid his thigh between my legs and pulled his face even closer to mine. He reached down and bit my ear lightly, before moving to my neck.

His hot breath sent chills to my stomach as he whispered, "Are you trying to act like a good girl now?" I felt a sneer cross his face, "No one can save you from me, falena."

ཐིཋྀ . ˚ ᡣ𐭩‧₊˚⋅ ✭ ₊˚⊹

I woke in a jolt for the second time in a row, only this was for a completely different reason.

My palms were sweating and I felt like I was having a heart attack. I gripped the bedsheets tighly as eyes darker than coal gushed through me.

His name repeated itself like a prayer in my mind.

Rigel, Rigel, Rigel.

I didn't know what was happening to me.

My legs were shaking, I couldn't breathe right and I felt a tingling sensation between my thighs.

Then, memories of what we had done broke into me.

His hands forcing themselves into tenderness to take care of me. His eyes full of secrets I couldn't read. His heavy breathing against my core. His merciless mouth. His groan...

"Oh, fuck..." I exhaled, "Fuck, fuck, fuck."

I covered my face with my hands.

Did that really happened?

Maybe, if I were lucky, it only had been another dream.

Yes, it could be that.

I mean, sure, having wet dreams about Rigel wasn't the best thing, but acting on it? Oh, that would'be been hell.

Slowly, I climbed out of bed while still trying to recollect my thoughts.

I was still in my uniform. What time was it?

Standing next to the mirror, my gaze drifted to the side of my thigh. My very purple, very bruised thigh.


A nock on my door interrupted my break down.

"Lele?" It was Anna.

Oh, fuck.

Quicker than a lighting, I jumped into bed again and covered myself to the stomach as she turned the doorknob.

"Hi, dear. How are you feeling?" She asked in a worried, yet very soft voice. "Rigel told me you weren't feeling well, so I thought I'd let you rest a little."

Anna sat next to me in the mattress, touching my forehead and cheeks with the back of her hand, as if trying to measure my temperature.

"I'm f-fine." I stuttered, shocked and confused to why would he lie.

"Are you sure?" Her worried eyes ran along my face. "You don't look like you have a fever, but I could get you a medicine if you'd like."

Guilt flod through me. "N-no, I'm much better now. I think I just needed to rest." Well, now we were accomplices of a lie.

"Okay, then. Let me know if you feel sick again." She smiled when I nodded. "Take a shower then, won't you? You're still sweating a little bit."

My face felt hot when I smiled back, coyly. "I will."

She kissed my forehead and I felt something warm flowing through me as she left the room.


Anna was genuinely worried about me, like no one ever had.

Lost in that thought, I headed to the bathroom and reached for the door handle. Before I could even touch it, however, it turned.

I looked up just as the door opened. I found myself pinned under two magnetic, black eyes. I shuddered in surprise and jumped back.

Rigel had calmly appeared in the doorway, wearing only with a towel around his hips. Plumes of steam rose from his shoulders – he must have just taken a shower.

More than ever, I wished I could disappear.

I would never manage to be indifferent towards him. His black eyes were two deep pits from which it was impossible to hide.

They were the Tearsmith's eyes. It didn't matter that they weren't pale like in the legend. Rigel's eyes were dangerous, even if they were the opposite colour to what the tale told.

He leant his shoulder against the edge of the door, his hair brushing against its frame. Rather than moving out of the way, he crossed his arms and stood there, staring at me.

"Hi." I whispered.

He said nothing.

𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐏𝐏𝐎 𝐃𝐎𝐋𝐂𝐄; rigel wildeWhere stories live. Discover now