Chapter 3: The System

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“Hey baba, guess what. I had a dream that we didn't have enough meat for tomorrow. Now I’m scared. But then I remembered that I have an amazing dad who works in a meat market.”

“Oh you do, thats crazy” 

“Right so I was thinking… What if you give us some beef?” 

“MHhhh I could do that, but it’s gonna cost you.” 

“Sold, I could pitch in $90 from the restaurant savings.” 

“I can put it in $100.” 


“Yeah yeah I’ll have it delivered tomorrow morning at the restaurant before your drop off.” 

“Okay, I’m going to the store with grams” 


Knocking on the door along with buzzing is what woke Carmen up in the restaurant. Going to the door he see the delivery guy with the beef.
“25 pounds.” 

“I ordered 200” 

“Paid for 25, take it up with lou.” 


After being on the phone with Lounane, another knock was heard. Going to answer that it was another delivery guy, but from the meat market place where Pops works. 

“Hey Lucas said to drop this off here.” 

“Yeah okay thanks.” 

It was about 70-85 pounds of beef give or take, and there was a paper on the side. 

It wrote “Belly had a dream there wasn’t enough so we pitched in to help. Also I want two sandwiches when I pick her up but don’t tell her that.” Smiling softly he put it in the kitchen with the others to get prepared. The sound of the game was annoying but he couldn't unplug it. 

“When was the last time you emptied these?” 

“I don't know, and Belly’s gonna be late for prep she had to go turn in the last bit of work from school.” 


Walking into the Restaurant with my bag I waved goodbye to baba as he drove off. Heading into the back I put my stuff in my locker still ignoring the envelope that lied in there. Everyone was here except for richie, that included a new girl. 

“Helloo everyone I’m hereee.” 

“Hey Belly” 

“Ay Belly what’s up.” 

 “Carmen I need my beef then I do onion, then I do potato. We have system.” 

“Yeah but you can punch em, blanch em, freeze em, fry em before the beef right.” 

Going up to the girl I introduce myself.

“Hello I’m Maelani but everyone calls me Belly, your staging today?” 

“Yes, I am um my name is Sydney it’s uh nice to meet you. Um don’t mind me asking but you look young, shouldn’t you uh be in school.” 

“Yeah I should but I do it online so I work here for the first half then do homework but it’s summer now so.” 

“Right yeah right… well I gotta figure out what to do for lunch soo..” 

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