Chapter 4: Hands

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I left after a few hours needing to go home and help grams with going through the attic. What happened after I left, I’m not sure but it couldn’t be more chaotic than it already was. Walking into the duplex we live in I ran into Mateo who looked as if he just got back from somewhere. 

“Hey Lani, how have you been? I missed your notes in class now I’m all alone.” 

“Hey Teo, and you’ll be fine, it would've been avoided if you went over those test notes instead of being on your phone.” 

“Yeah, yeah. But I’ll have you in US History right.” 

“Ohhh about that..” 

We walked up the stairs going towards our apartments. Them being right next to each other helped a lot. As we reached his you could see the door open before a head stuck out. 

“Okay mom. Mateo mamá dijo apúrate y entra, tienes quehaceres.” 

“Okay, I just got back. And what do you mean about that, US history is what you're supposed to be taking in 11th, what did you do.” 

“I took it last year.” 

“No, that can’t be right. I used your notes for world history.” 

“Yeah because I did it over the summer, and just went over what we didn’t for you.” 

“Noooo really.” 

“Yeah but we’ll have theater, and music together. Mine will just be online.” 

“It’s not the same.” 

“You’ll be fine, byee see you later.” 

“See you later Lani.” 

Walking past his door Regina opened the door again to yell at him before seeing me.
“Oh Hi MaeMae.” 

“Hi Gi.” 

“I like the new hair style you’re trying, it looks really good for you.” 


I didn't know whether to take that as a compliment or be offended because I knew what she meant by that, and it wasn’t in a sincere way. 


Walking into the restaurant, I had a box that consisted of a new mixer. It was a cheap one, but it would definitely get the job done or help get stuff done a lot faster than our broken one. Everyone was still prepping for open, and getting ready.

“Hello everyone I’m here.” 

“Hi Belly.”

“Belly whats- whats that in your hand.” 

“Why thank you for asking Marcus. I was out with grams yesterday, and the store had a sale. These were $15 each, so I got one for here and one for home.” 

“No fucking way, we can finally stop overworking our hands, and that old ass mixer.” 

“Is exactly what I thought.” 

“Also guys, the inspection. Is it not happening today or something? We haven’t fixed some of the things we needed too.” 

“Yeah Belly, don't worry about that.” 

“What if it’s not Ron. I mean looking at this place we’re getting a C. Where's Carmen.” 

“It’s fine Belly” 

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