Where am I?

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Y/N, only an 8 year-old, walks around in a forest while it rains. Y/N loves rain and always likes to play in it when they can, even if their family tells them they will get sick. And if they do get sick, they can just stay home; it's a win-win! Or at least to Y/N, it's a win-win. While walking in the forest, they heard a laugh and when they looked in the direction of the laugh, nothing was there, and that creeped them out, so they walked faster away from that area. They weren't going to mess around with some unknown laughter until they heard someone's voice.

"Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! I am going to be late. I can't be late! I will lose my head if I am late! Oh dear! Oh dear! What to do!"

The voice was in a panic. Little Y/N turned their head and looked at where the voice came from and saw a white rabbit hopping around. Sure, I totally believed you, a pocket watch in their little paw and something around their eye that looked like a glass thing. Y/N couldn't remember the name of it, but while thinking about it, the white rabbit looked at Y/N and looked more panicked, but hopped over to Y/N and spoke.

"Dear! Could you help me find a rabbit hole? I seem to have lost my way!"

Y/N didn't know how to respond and glanced around, then spoke.

"I don't think I am the right one to help you."

The white rabbit only stared, then spoke.

"No sense! Seeing as it's just behind you, you just helped me!"

Y/N looked behind them and saw a rabbit hole and moved out of the way while the white rabbit jumped into the hole. Y/N looked in the rabbit hole, then felt something push up against them and heard a laugh and some words.

"Whoopshehe! Sorry dear! Wrong—-"

That's all Y/N could make out while falling in the rabbit hole, yelling out for someone to help them.

"AHH! Someone help me!"

Tears were falling out of Y/N's eyes while their eyes were closed, and in their panic, they realized they were no longer falling; they were on the ground. Y/N immediately sat up and looked around.

"Where am I?"
Sorry for the short chapter!

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