Chapter 14: Friendzone

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Bloom and Allen been hanging out for awhile but now that him and Yutaro are back together, Bloom is stuck to being a third wheel so today she decided to go hang out with Faiden!

"Where are you going?" Allen asked holding a bowl of popcorn, Bloom got her bag and put it on "I'm going to hang with Faiden" Bloom said "Why?" "cause there a pest who thinks he can make me feel more lonely then I already am" Bloom said and glanced at Yutaro who was on the couch "alright than have fun" Allen said and walked over to Yutaro, Bloom smiled and left, After a minute Bloom open the Cafe door and stood near the counter "Heya Faiden" she said and Faiden turn around and smiled happily "Hello to you too Bloom" he said handing her some cookies "sugar cookies?!" She said excited and sat on a chair "mhm only for the best customer aka friend" Faiden stated and started pouring some coffee "So how's business?" Bloom asked munching down on the cookies, Faiden thought for a second "same old same old it's still doing good why?" "Oh so you can close the shop for the day and Hang out with me" Bloom said and Faiden chuckle "don't you have that little assistant of yours to hang out with?" "Yutaro stole him from me" Bloom said with a loud sigh, Faiden chuckled again "mhm he usually does, still surprises me that He hanging around with him" "they're dating?" "THEY ARE?!" Faiden shouted surprised that made the whole cafe go quiet, Bloom stared and started laughing "mhm they are" she said, Faiden stared in disbelief "you're kidding" Bloom shook her head "wow that's a shocker" Faiden said, Bloom nod and continue eating "guess I could close the cafe early just for today so we can hang out, it's been awhile anyways" Faiden said putting everything down, Bloom spark up in excitement "oh my stars OKAY where too???" Bloom asked getting up from her seat, Faiden got everyone out the cafe and locked the doors "where to?" He asked and Bloom smiled "to wherever!" She said grabbing Faiden hand and taking him anywhere,

Faiden and Bloom were all over the places like teenagers were haven't gone out of school in years, they pulled pranks on a few people they use to prank in the past, every few hours Faiden bought Bloom a snack, the two were having so much fun together as if they never wanted to age more then they already have,
"Omg remember that bar we went too when we were like young adults?" Bloom asked, Faiden thought for a second a nod "first of all I'm still a young adult you mentally is old as hell" Bloom nudged him "shut up anyways we should go visit it oh my stars maybe May is still there!" Bloom said, Faiden smiled "okay fine fine don't overdo the drinking though" Faiden said getting up, Bloom got up and nod, the two went to go to the bar they use to always go to, once they were there wow it's still....NOISY AS HELL, Faiden wasn't a big fan of loud places especially party ones cause then there yelling and it's hard to hear someone and usually it causes ringing in his ears, but he always stayed in those type of places just for Bloom, "FAIDEN LOOK! THEY STILL GOT THE VODKA FOUNTAIN!" Faiden chuckled "mhm they don't really change anything" Bloom drag Faiden to the counter, "MAY!" Bloom shouted, May was the person who help run the place she mainly takes orders "Oh my stars is that my fav couple?" May asked seeing them, Bloom sat on a chair and Faiden was smiling "we aren't dating" "sure act like it tho" May commented and started pouring drinks  "I remember this one order really clear and you Fay? Hmm some old some old tea?" She asked and Faiden nod, She gave him a cup of green tea, while Bloom had a shot Faiden was happy to be back to this happy to be by Bloom side again.
Time skip to later.
As time went by the more crowded it got eventually Faiden lost Bloom and it got louder, Faiden was trying to find her but kept getting push a bit, He had his ears covered due to them starting to ring sure he can wait outside but he doesn't want to do that when his best friend is still here and probably drunk.... Most definitely drunk, after a few more minutes he found her "Bloom!" He said grabbing her hand, Bloom was laughing...yep definitely drunk "come on Bloom let's get you home Allen probably worry sick" Faiden said dragging Bloom out, "you know you have like really pretty hair" she said Faiden kept nodding and humming 'mhm' he never really try taking anything Bloom says to heart when she isn't sober since he didn't want to get hurt by the misleading, "my feet hurt" Bloom complained, Faiden stopped and stare "dramatic" he commented and Bloom whined Faiden chuckled and carried her piggyback, After they got to Bloom and Allen house Faiden already had keys to the door, "heya" Faiden said walking him, Allen was asleep on Yutaro shoulder while Yutaro was watching tv, "hmm?" Yutaro hum noticing Faiden, Faiden walked toward Bloom room "drunk you know how it is" he says and open her room door, "you reek of alcohol just how much did you have?" He asked putting Bloom on her bed, Faiden sat down next to her exhausted, Bloom was passed out and He didn't know what else to do gosh she was pretty, He wanted to just stay with her longer, maybe for eternity if he was immortal too he could, It was never fair how Bloom is able to outlive him and She'll eventually forget he exists, he hated thinking that way, but he also had secrets Faiden always liked Bloom just never knew how to tell her and never wants to, cause Bloom would never feel that way, she was just... Bloom and Faiden loved that about her so til death may my secrets be bury with him as long as you were the friend I made and lost lover I'll never gain, Faiden sighed and got up "goodnight" he said leaving her room "See ya'" Yutaro said to Faiden who wave bye and left.

In the morning
Bloom woke up with a hangover, She left her room and saw The pest was still there.... "ugh it's too early for you" she mumble walking to the couch, Allen gave Bloom water and Tylenol "Faiden took you home last night" Allen commented, Bloom nods "that's Faiden my best pal" she said and smiled, "That's Faiden my best pal" Yutaro mocked her and Bloom threw a pillow at him "fuck out my house" Luckily Yutaro dodged "nah" he said, Bloom gave him a death stare but ignored him, Allen sat down next to Yutaro still exhausted, the two started chatting a bit, til Yutaro finally left, "we should plan a sleepover" Bloom said. Allen stared for a second "huh-" he said confuse "a sleepover you know you still need to do ur Watching job" Bloom said and Allen sigh "I hate that Job it's so stupid... anyways sure we can have a sleepover but you're planning and inviting I can't do anything like that" Allen chuckled, Bloom nod and started drifting off to bed she got too comfortable, Allen smiled and left to his room.

Wow Friends til Death tho Secrets be sealed Truth be told who knows what may be release in the next round.

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